Independence from the tyranny of yard rabbits

First, a pickling update:

1) The pickles I made were gross. Vinegar is important. When I get cucumbers in my weekly vegetables, I will try a different recipe and hopefully luck into some delicious pickles.
2) My dad stopped over and I gave him both jars of pickled beets. The recipe said they needed to pickle for 3 days, and it had only been one, but he tasted a beet anyway. His response was, “They’ll be good in a salad.” Under pressure, he admitted that they weren’t very good, but we hypothesized that the 3 days might help things. Otherwise, they might only be good in a salad.

Updates from the garden:

1) The Easter Lily that Nathan gave us several years ago is blooming!

Easter Lilly

2) EFFING RABBITS! I shake my fist angrily at you! ALSO, I spray disgusting storebought bunny repellent at what must be the most delicious of the plants. I hope the putrescent egg solids foil you!


Before After

3) The other day, I opened our fire pit for the first time since my brother and Dad put it in and built a fire! It was pretty cool:


Other than that, not much is happening around here. I had breakfast with Big Steph and her two girls yesterday morning, and that’s really about it.

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