Sad Season End

The Lady Rockets tried to repeat their past WNIT success after their sad panda loss to CMU in the MAC tournament. Their first WNIT game was against Butler last Thursday. Here are some pictures from that game.

Alma Mater Victory

Team Photo

They played the Penguins of Youngstown State on Saturday.

We’ve gone out for the Fan Tunnel the last few games. From where we lined up for the tunnel, I took a few pictures of the captains talking to the refs. Here’s a picture of Lecretia staring into my soul:


The team before the game:

Huddle Up

My Dad’s Lady Friend’s granddaughter, Mia, was at first scared of Rocky, but she came around a little bit:

Mia and Rocky

Here’s the final score:

Another Victory

At some point early on in March Madness!, my bracket was very good:


(It is no good now.)

Brian and I did some crafting we’ve been talking about for a while:


Here’s how Brian’s project came out:

Brian's Frame

And mine (mine is all Lady Rocket tickets; Brian’s is ALL THE SPORTS):

My Frame

We had to wait until Monday night for Eastern Illinois and Illinois to play, so that we would know who we were playing when/where. Gossip said that if Illinois won, they would host the game. However, Illinois won their game, and the Illinois-UT game was played at Savage last night.

We went out for the Fan Tunnel again. Brian does not go with us. Here’s a picture of Brian sitting during the Fan Tunnel:


Illinois defeated my beloved Rockets, and our super fun (though admittedly still kind of disappointing) season came to an end. Also, despite the 2 practice senior night/last games/cries we’ve already been through, this really was it. Five seniors, including everyone’s favorite Israeli, are done, and there’s still a looming threat of Coach Cullop leaving for OSU, or, I suppose, anywhere else. Here’s a collection of sad things:

Sad scoreboard:

Sad Scoreboard

Sad coach talk:


Super duper sad foreigners:

Sad Hug

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, Domesticity!, HoneyBear, Parentals, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment

Last week

My Dad has been working on this Toledo Rocket wall art, and it looks really nice:

My Dad's Rocket project

We had the last of our Fan Plan Rocket Shop vouchers to spend this week, so we went up to UT and I got this t-shirt (actually two of this t-shirt; I got my dad one too):

My shirt

Thursday, our sports devastation weekend started in earnest.

AWHS was defeated by Rogers at Savage. I spent approximately 97% of my time at AWHS wishing people thought it was fun to support the sports teams. (The other 3% of the time, I was wishing the sports teams would not be terrible.) This year, Anthony Wayne has a pretty tall dude, who is going to play basketball at Michigan, and AWHS sort of managed to put that to work for them in games against the other white kid schools of the NLL. Then they played Rogers in the Regional Semifinal.

Here’s a picture of the color-coordinated student section (look, every other row is blue and white! Bennett said one game they all started with blue shirts, and after they made the first 3-pointer, they all took their blue shirts off to reveal white shirts underneath. Slick.)


Here’s another picture:


A better part of Thursday was when I got the frame for my jersey. After we got home from the game, I ironed the jersey a little bit and put it in the frame:

My Dola Jersey

I still have to figure out where to put it and have my Dad hang it.

Friday, Brian and I got up and headed to Cleveland for the Lady Rocket’s first MAC tournament game. We had overnight bags packed and my heart was full of optimism (and anxiety). Over 850 people bought the presale tickets for the game through UT, and many more UT fans bought tickets at the game. Approximately 50 CMU fans were there. We wised up this year and sat opposite the bench, to avoid the most shrill and unpleasant of the usual fans.

Here’s a picture from the start of the game, before my heart started to break:

Still Hopeful

Not much good happened from there…lots of CMU threes and some other badness. The Ladies were behind, but they didn’t give up, and ultimately they had a shot…but it was not to be.

I cried at the Q.

We were going to go to some men’s games if we needed to stay the night, and Brian had semi-tentative plans to hang out with his Cleveland friends. He said he wanted to go home after the Ladies lost, probably because I cried at the Q. Since we were home early, we just played Sim City and lolled about.

At some point, I ran some errands. I took our recycling to the township building, where I spied this lone Christmas tree under a “Christmas Tree” street sign:

Why the street sign?

My BFF sent me this super cute picture of her as a koalahead:

Super Cute

I got a high-res version of this picture from the Independent Collegian photographer because my dad and I liked it so much…I had 2 copies printed and bought some frames for my dad and I:


This evening, the Women’s NCAA bracket was revealed, and as expected the Lady Rockets were not selected:

No Joke.


Posted in AWHS, Oh Yes!, Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, Family Time, HoneyBear, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff | 1 Comment

Some interweb things I’ve accumulated

So many people are pro-owl lately. They are wrong about everything.

Yeah you probably would

This is just weird and wrong:


Cute. Kind of Richard Scarryish:


My favorite muppets:

Old Guys

Posted in Random Fun things | 1 Comment

Zoo and some other stuff

Friday, Brian and I went to the Zoo for a couple of hours. It was sunny and kind of warm (though not nearly as warm as it was this afternoon), and most importantly, it was not crowded. Soon the school field trips will start, and even midweek trips to the Zoo will be full of screeching children.

Only 2 polar bears are on exhibit, as the 3rd is still hiding with her new babies. I think we’ll get some sweet cub action in May. Here’s one of the other polar bears, through a fence:

Polar Bear

Penguins are cute!


The eagles were sitting nearer to each other and on a different log than I’ve ever seen them sit. So exciting:


We did find our names on the ZooPal board. Happy Valentine’s Day to us (and the polar bears and otters):

Happy Valentines Day

We did go in the conservatory, which was unpleasantly warm and fogged our glasses. I took this picture that I sort of liked:

I like this.

Here’s a cute picture of Harvard and Brian lounging. I labeled the picture “Sleeping Harvard,” but now I see that he is giving me a mean look, like usual:

Sleeping Harmar

We have been giving him special kidney diet wet food, and he seems to like it. It is a little difficult to give him different food than the other cats, because the other cats are jealous whores, but I think he’s actually getting mostly canned food, so we can’t ask for much more. Here he is licking his special food:

So delicious

Yesterday, when I opened the blinds in the bedroom, I saw this and quickly summoned Brian so he could also bask in our bad mailbox luck:


This is the 3rd or 4th time that our mailbox has been hit. I don’t even know. What the hell?

We were going to go get a whole new mailbox (and we would have if the lumber place was open after noon yesterday…), but I decided to just get a new stickpost for $19.97 at Menards. Today, Brian did some masculine drilling voodoo and fixed it right up (and I used the staple gun to “fix” the roof of the house…it’s pretty trashy, but it’s just going to get collided with sometime soon, so I refuse to care).

Also, I spent this weekend on some sort of weird Mike’s hard cranberry lemonade and frozen strawberry margarita bender. I’m regrouping but I’m not ashamed.

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Domesticity!, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Nature! | 1 Comment

I can’t. This past day – I just can’t.

So I talked for days about how I was going to sob at the Lady Rocket Senior Night game. I managed to mostly keep it together last night, mostly because during the little Senior Night ceremony, I busied myself with taking a video of it that I will likely never watch, which is OK with me. At least I didn’t sob like an overly-invested weirdo.

Senior nights and the like always make me teary-eyed. I cried approximately 2,000 times during my senior year of high school; most famously at the last home AWHS football game during the Marching Generals’ post-game show (from the stands! I was not in the band…I stood smack in the middle of the center reserved section and sobbed, gremlin-like. We’re talking the kind of unattractive, consuming sobbing that Claire Danes does in Romeo and Juliet or My So-Called Life). I also cried at some random other “lasts” – fall play, spring musical, cross country meet (at least I was a participant in this one), I don’t remember what else but there were a ton more. This trend continued when I was leaving Xavier and when my peeps moved away after the 5th year of Rx school, and when I left the hospital. I was always, like, whatever age going on 42, so I was super-aware that fun times would never again be quite so easy to have (I never thought “everything good always would remain”).

Also, I regularly cry during series finales of shows (30 Rock? Yes. Wonder Years? Yes. Different World? Yes…I don’t even remember what happened in that show/episode, but I remember crying. The first SATC movie? Yes. Private Practice? Yes. Cheers? Yes. Conan’s last Tonight Show? Yes.) not only because I am sad the storylines/characters are ending, but also because I get sad that the actors and crew won’t get to hang out anymore. I am similarly sad for the Lady Rockets in this way – they seem to all be genuinely nice young women who are friends and like playing together and at Toledo. I also am really jealous that I never was part of anything like that…not the success so much as the team (as always, thanks, mom, for talking us out of team sports so you could avoid driving us ever. Seems fair…you had romance novels to read and frozen food to thaw).

Anyway, clearly, I’m a spaz.

The very first Lady Rocket games that Brian and I went to were during these senior Ladies’ freshman year (minus Naama, who was then a sophomore but subsequently lost a year to her blown-out knee), so I have had the chance to grow quite attached. After Bossman gave us some tickets that first season, I think we’ve missed one home game in 3 seasons (when we were in Florida last year) and have been to some away games. My dad has gone to most of those games with us, and he’s a spaz like me – he certainly enjoys “I Gotta Feeling” and other songs from the “Lady Rockets Mix” CD I made him.

Anyway, I have a hard time imagining watching Lady Rockets at Savage without the seniors (we’ll see them play next week at the MAC tournament, which they will hopefully win so we can go to an NCAA game…as much as I love going to Lady Rockets games with over 4K of my closest Lady Rocket fanatic friends, I hope we’re not WNIT-bound this year). Each senior is endearing in their own way:

Toledo’s Own Yo-Yo (Come get ya some Yo-Yo Gurrrrrrl):

Yo Yo

Riley the Rifle:

Riley the Rifle

Lecretia, who has historically been underappreciated despite putting in WORK (even last night, her standing ovation when Coach subbed her out was eaten up by the media timeout):


Kyle, who transferred to Toledo from Akron and has had some crazy good games mixed in along the way:


Everyone’s favorite Super Jew, Naaaaaaama Shaaaafiiiiiiiir:


Much has been said the last few days about where Naama ranks among Toledo Women’s Basketball greats and about what she’s done for Toledo Women’s basketball in the community. A lot of people who were not UTWBB fans became Naama fans and hopefully ended up UTWBB fans. When you read about or listen to interviews about Naama coming here, not knowing English, being away from her family, not knowing if the challenges of being an Orthodox Jewish person on a Division I basketball team would alienate her from the team or prove too difficult, etc., her success and ability to carry the team when she needed to, all while maintaining a 4.0 are amazing. Plus, little girls love her, and she seems to love Toledo and the team’s faithful following.

No one cares, but personally, I’m grateful to Naama’s parents (who were here for Senior night and will be here through the MAC tournament!) for letting us borrow her for the past 5 years. The last time they saw her play in person was when the team went to Israel before last season:


Jewish Toledoans adopted her and are probably extra sad:

<3 Israel

Along with saying goodbye to the Senior girls, I am sad because it’s almost a given that Coach Cullop will be gone after this season also. With Naama gone and Coach’s stock going up because of the team’s success this year, it’s more than likely she’ll leave to coach at a bigger school for $$$$. The fans here love her and support her, and the players seem to really love her too, but a MAC school can only give her so much money. I’m hoping she doesn’t leave, but I’m trying to brace myself for what’s probably inevitable.

Here’s Coach thanking the Seniors’ parents and the fans:

Coach Cullop

Anyway. I got goosebumps when the five seniors started the game, and then when they were all in again towards the end of the second half. It was so great that UT was winning so that they were all able to play, all (eventually) score, and they each got to come out of the game one by one and get raucous standing ovations. Five standing ovations later, I was wiping away tears.

After the game, all five seniors got to talk on the post-game radio show with the voice of the Lady Rockets, Jim Heller, and that’s when I took the pictures above.

My dad was really gung-ho about me getting my Andola jersey signed, despite me not wanting to bother Andola and/or seem like a creeper. She signed it, she prints rather than signs, and the silver marker I thought would look decent is hard to read on the navy blue. AND, the jersey frame I ordered is (I think) back-ordered through May. Whatever.

Onward, to this morning, when the ridiculousness of my Senior night sadpandaness was really driven home by spiteful baby jesus.

Brian had to take Harvard back to the vet to get his bloodwork rechecked. A month ago, they didn’t do his earwart/teeth-cleaning because they found out his kidney function was bad. The vet says Harvey’s creatinine has gone up during the month (3.2 to 3.7). WTF.

He seems his normal self, prancing about, and if we hadn’t tried to get his earwart and teeth taken care of, we wouldn’t have any idea anything was wrong. That seems like a thing I wish for, right now, as I’m an emotional mess about this situation. Harvard is only my step-cat, but I rather love him, as well as his human. I take companion animal well-being prettttttty seriously. Our companion animals are family members here at the Beach-Link household…family members who don’t understand why they have to ride in cars or get blood tests or maybe aren’t feeling that great, and who can’t tell you when something’s wrong. I’m sure if he was suddenly symptomatic without warning, I would say it would have been better to have known ahead of time.

“There are times in the lives of most of us, when we would have given all the world to be as we were but yesterday, though that yesterday had passed over us unappreciated and unenjoyed.”
― William Edward Hartpole Lecky


Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, Cats and more cats, Family Time, HoneyBear, Let's Talk About Me, Parentals, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff | 1 Comment

Lady Rockets = MAC Regular Season Champs

Sunday afternoon, the Ladies won the MAC regular season title…Doesn’t mean TOO much; mostly they need to win the tournament next week, but it’s a good start. They beat EMU, which is always a terribly painful game for one reason or another.


Net-cutting <3: Inma

We had Kim, her Dad, Jack, and Anthony sitting with us in the front row. A good time was had by most.

I managed to really make a dent in the number of boxes in Bossman’s office today by SUPER-using much of the day to avoid chatty coworkers. I have set up a Learning Lab of sorts in the conference room that may or may not work out well.

Posted in Catch the Fever, Lame. Work., Rocket Fever! | 1 Comment


Mary sent me this picture of Drew commemorating the Lady Rocket victory he witnessed:


I forgot to post these pictures of Brian’s old car (on the left, obvs) and his new car:

Sunfire, RIP New Car!

Last weekend was my weekend to work, and Saturday night was also a makeshift work night at the Toledo Walleye (the Walleye called us a while ago to tell us we had a $600 credit that we needed to use this year – it turned out it had been an event deposit from a warehouse that closed before it was used)…23 people were able to eat hot dogs and enjoy a boring hockey game from the upper level. Our seats were right next to remote-controlled Spike’s docking area:


I feel really spazzy lately since I have so many SUPER USER boxes (and training/tasks) to deal with:


That’s about all that was interesting this week.

Posted in Friends, HoneyBear, Lame. Work., Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Some extra things

My dad and his friend found a delightful print on Etsy for my birthday that arrived last week:

Birthday Print

Look at that tubby wintery-hibernatey groundhog (reminds me of myself!)!

The squirrels have been demanding corn and being cute in the cold:


Today, I went out to my Dad’s house. The people that moved in next to him have two goats, and their pen borders on my dad’s yard. We took the goats some celery, and they were really enthusiastic about their celery-eating. The might have taken a bite out of our fingers if we weren’t paying attention. Here they are after the celery:

Goats in your face Goats Looking for Celery

Here’s the cutest of the goat pictures that I took:


Additionally, I’m going to follow the keto diet starting tomorrow, as I’ve been inspired by the keto subreddit. We’ll see how that goes.

Posted in 2013...Get it together., GROUNDHOG EXTRAVAGANZA!!!, Nature!, Parentals, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Rockets for the Cure

Saturday was the Rockets for the Cure game. I think I already talked about how I bought 60 t-shirts/tickets for this game, but I’m too lazy to go back and check. I was fortunate enough to get some good pals to go to the game, and some of Brian’s relatives also came up for the game.

Brian and his Uncle Jim and Aunt Beth sat in the good (front row) seats, and the rest of us had to fend for ourselves, so we left really early to get the 8 seats we needed. Luckily, Mary and her family got there about the same time, so they sat behind us. Kim and her peeps didn’t get there until a little later, so we didn’t get to sit with them. She reports that they had a good time.

Mary and I took Livi and Riley down to get in the fan tunnel. By the time we got down on the court, the maximum tunnel length had been reached, so we were told to stand behind other people. Mean old people wouldn’t let the kids have their spots, so we held the kids up and tried to make it fun anyway. Olivia and I had a good time bopping around, and the girls got to meet Roxy and see the team run by, so I think it wasn’t a total bust. Plus Olivia (unknowingly) got a high five from Bossman when we walked by there, which I thought was funny.

The average crowd for a Lady Rocket game has been just under 4K for the season, and the attendance at the pink game was a stunning 5,712. I feel really happy that it was such a successful day and that my dad and I had a part in getting some people to the game that don’t usually go. (Also, getting Mary’s peeps and Kim’s peeps there and reporting that a good time was had made my heart sing).

Here’s a picture from the game that shows the pink jerseys that were auctioned after the game.

Game Photo

The game was not close at all, and all of the eligible/healthy Lady Rockets played, and they all scored.

Mary and Livi advertising for an insurance agency:

Some Sort of Ad

(The other side of that sign had a “3” on it for your post-3-pointer-holding-up pleasure…Drew was doing all sorts of math to know when it was appropriate to hold it up.)

Drew didn’t want to deal with the mascots, but here’s a picture of the girls with Rocky:

<3 Rocky

This is the only picture with Drew in it, but I love it because it shows how into the scoreboard/numbers Drew was. “You guys! Toledo has 58!”

So cute

During the alma mater after the game:

After the Game

We stayed for the auction afterward, but all the jerseys were more expensive than my dad and I were willing to bid. At the very end, they auctioned off a signed ball, and as soon as the auction was over, I was full of regret for not bidding on it.

After the game, we went out to eat at Smokey Bones with Brian’s parents and Aunt Beth and Uncle Jim.

It was SUCH a great day :)

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, Family Time, Friends, HoneyBear, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment

This Past Week

I spent the last week in Indianapolis for SUPER USER training for work. I was stoked to find that I could fit a Lady Rocket game at Ball State into my drive down to Indy on Sunday. With the new Route 24, the drive to Muncie took about 2.5-2.75 hours. There were SO many UT fans who made the trip…I would say 1/2, if not more, of all the people there were UT fans. Those old people really love their Lady Rockets.

I had to drive by myself, since I was going on to Indy, but Bossman and Sue brought Ron the Usher and another rabid Rockets fan. I beat them there, and went into the arena near the ticket office, and the Lady Rocket Fan Club was in the lobby taking pictures and screeching. I had to wait outside while they wore themselves out. Here’s a picture from my wait outside:

Outside BSU Worthen Arena

The Lady Rockets won the game, despite their best efforts, and here are some pictures from the game:

At Ball State At Ball State

From Muncie, I went on to my hotel on the northwest side of Indy. Here’s a picture of the weird “&” in my hotel room’s bathroom:

& what?

What the hell is that about?

Anyway…so far, my work trips have always worked out so that I have an old pal I can hang out with. My old AW BFF Stephie lives in Indy, and she was nice enough to let me hang out with her at her house a few nights. Sunday night, after I checked into the hotel, I went to Stephie’s and met her 22 month-old son, Hunter, and saw her (relatively) newly constructed house.

Monday, we had 5 hours of meeting in the distribution center conference room. The part of Indy where we were seemed to have a ridiculous Canada Goose problem. There were a couple of geese who squawked outside our conference room window most of the time we were there. The receptionist put this weird plastic wolf with a furry tail out to scare the geese, but it didn’t affect them too much:


The manager of the Indy pharmacy made a list of things to do in Indianapolis that was passed out to us on Monday, and he listed Pacers’ games on Monday and Wednesday. When we finally got out of class on Monday, I tried to recruit somebody to go with me to the Pacers game that night. Of course, they all just looked at me like I was crazy (possibly because when we introduced ourselves and were supposed to ‘reveal a hidden talent,’ I told them about being able to pick up golf balls between my toes), so I decided to go by myself.

Here’s a picture from the outside of the Bankers Life Fieldhouse:

Bankers Life Fieldhouse

I went into the store and bought some pencils (!), a Pacers hoodie, and a David West t-shirt.

Bankers Life Fieldhouse is very nice and relatively new (built in 1999). There are no walk-through metal detectors – everyone gets wanded and has to lift up their pant legs – and the concourse is set up really well and has tons of different food and drink options.

A picture from the concourse:

On the Concourse

From the concourse, I could hear what sounded like a marching band. It turns out, they have a couple of sections for (painted and what not) rowdy fans, and one of the sections is fronted by a group of drummers.

I went in and made my way to my seat I had bought on the NBA Ticket Exchange (with a bit of help from a jerky usher), and I was relieved to find empty seats on either side of me. After a while, a guy and a girl came and sat on my left. At first they were giving me weird looks, but as the game went on, they drank more and more and finally asked me if I was at the game by myself. Um, yes. I am a weird person.

Here are some pictures of David West, who was scratched in the eyeball by gross Brook Lopez a minute or two into the game and sat until after halftime:

David West D-West on the Scoreboard

My seat was $24 + about $10 in fees and was at the top of the middle section. I was in a corner, though, and my scoreboard view was a little weird:


Here are some game pictures:

Pacers Game Pacers Game

I sent this picture to Brian to annoy him:


I took this picture on the way out after the game…notice David West’s X tattoo:

Blue Collar Xavier X Tattoo

Wednesday night, Stephie and I went to Wine and Canvas for a painting class similar to the one I did with Kim a couple of weeks ago. Here’s the instructor’s painting:


Wine and Canvas is a chain, and they have a dedicated storefront for the classes. They don’t allow you to bring your own food and drink in. They have an expensive bar:

Snack Bar

The classroom is big, and they charge $35 a head for the class. They must make money hand over fist:


The paintings were not nearly as neat as the ones that Kim’s friend teaches. Here are some pictures of my painting along the way:

My Background Progress

My painting turned out pretty terrible:

Not So Good

Afterward, we had somebody take our picture:


Stephie looked at it and realized she hadn’t put her hair down, which she thought made it look like we were “partners.” We took this one to fix that:

The One Where We Are Not Partners

Our class ended around 10am on Friday, but not before we got the grossest shirts ever that we HAD to wear for a picture. As someone who is grotesquely fat right now, this cheap shirt did not delight me. Ew:

What a gross shirt

Posted in AWHS, Oh Yes!, I collect pencils., It's weird to watch people play games for money, Lame. Work., My fat ass, Pharmacy!, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | 2 Comments