Keuka Lake 2013

Kim invited me to go to her Great Aunt Jean’s house on Lake Keuka in New York again this year. In exchange for a couple of hours of planting, I get to spend a relaxing weekend with a pal on a beautiful lake in another state. We were originally going to take the baby (Anthony), but Aunt Jean requested Travis for his entertainment value.

It takes about 6.5ish hours to drive there, and we left home a little before 6 on Thursday. We got there late and talked to Aunt Jean for a bit, so we didn’t get to sleep until late. We got up Friday morning and started working on the planting. The highlight of that was when the police stopped to tell us that they “couldn’t have naked people running around” after Travis went behind the garage to poop (!) and came out naked at the exact wrong time. Whatever, white copper intimidated by black junk (even if it’s on a 2 year-old). The plants all got planted and everything looked nice (the plant stuff takes less time every year, since they did the perennials and bushes before I was involved and they know how they want it).

Here’s some of Aunt Jean’s landscaping (though I had little to do with this part):

Some of Aunt Jean's Landscaping

Same ducks, different state:

New York Duckies

Lake pictures because it is pretty and I don’t care that I probably took the same ones last year:

The Lake looking south


Some friends of Aunt Jean came over to use the boat to go out fishing Friday evening, and they took Kim and Travis out for a short boat ride before they got started:

Boat Ride!

The lake was pretty quiet Saturday morning, so Kim took Travis and I out in the boat. Here’s Travis watching his mom figure out how to drive the boat:

Travman watching Mommy

Eventually he got to drive the boat:

Travis Driving the Boat

More Travis, just because he charmed me over the weekend:

Travis Riding a Dora Bike

Some of Kim’s relatives were around while we were there; here’s a picture of Travis and one of Kim’s mom’s cousins:

Travis and a relative

Aunt Jean wanted a tree trimmed because she thought some of the branches were obstructing the view. Before I knew what was happening, Kim had done this (I found a saw and made her finish the job):

Kim trimming a tree

Travis knows how to work iPhones:

Me and Travis

Sunday, I woke up with a stomach bug since I had been hanging out with a pre-schooler for days. GROSS. I puked twice and slept it off, but I still feel a little off. We left Monday around 11 and got home before 6, but we endured a good hour of the shrillest screeching I have ever heard as we passed through Cleveland. Travis got an ear infection while we were in New York, and fortunately, his doctor called in a prescription for antibiotics, but the poor kid had diarrhea from the antibiotics on the way home. No amount of whatever those kid-distracting gadgets are called could distract him from having to pooooOOOOOP.

Anyway, it was a nice trip. I have to say that the trip came at what turned out to be a really good time this year. I did take 2 weeks off (last week and this week) around our weekend in NY, so it’s been really nice to not think about work after all the DEPLOYMENT nonsense. Other than being asked if I could work last Friday (I could not, as I was in NY), I haven’t been called with questions or anything, which is a relief.

The bigger relief is more awkward to talk about. Business has been bad at work, and through “town hall meetings,” segment-wide emails, and generally widespread (and cascading managerial) panic and insecurity, the threat of me being laid off or our location closing has been CONSTANT for a while now…especially since my coworker had been trying to get me to speculate with her whether she would be let go (being part-time) or I would be let go (being newer) first if the time came FOR YEARS. I generally believe that everything will work out the way it should because I’ve been lucky so far, so I didn’t think I was letting myself get too worked up about the whole thing. I never took any steps to re-familiarize myself with regular pharmacy or look into other options (because, frankly, UGH), but I had stopped putting extra towards the mortgage and asked Brian if we would be OK if I wasn’t working for a while.

The first official day of my vacation, last Tuesday, coworker Cathy texted me to let me know she’d been laid off (only one of my readers at all knows her, and I already told him anyway, so this isn’t, like, telling her business). I talked to her and Bennett on the phone about it, and I’ve talked a lot about it to my peeps, and in all of this, 2 things become clear: 1) As annoying and inept as she often is, this sucks and everybody feels bad and is sad, and 2) I was waaaaaay more worried about this than I realized. Like, waaaaay more worried. I am assuming, hopefully correctly, that this means we’re not closing and the rest of us are safe for the immediate future. The relief (and a little bit of survivor guilt) is CRAZY.

Posted in Friends, Lame. Work., Let's Talk About Me, Nature!, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment


Oh man, it’s been a grievously long time since I last provided my readers with pictures of mulch and squirrels and talk of Lady Rockets and whatnot! Two weeks! Ugh.

I was working nights that whole time, basically, so cut me some slack.

Once the mulching got started, it was hard to stop until it was done. Brian did more than his share of mulch lifting and spreading, while I planted some new plants. He did the side bed and the beds in the backyard (though admittedly, they still had some actual mulch from last year, since they didn’t get the free neighbor “mulch”).

Here’s the first bed I ever put in, with two different kinds of ferns plus hydrangeas:

Original Fern Action

This year’s new addition is this round bed around the sassafras tree, populated with many standy-uppy ferns from Bossman and some phlox from Menards:


As you can see, the ferns did not survive their multiple car trips and transplantation all that well, but I’m remaining hopeful that they perk up soon.

While we’re at it with the yard pictures, here are some pictures of the patio bed from a couple weeks ago. Springtime + perennials (also worth noting: other than red geraniums in the pots on the patio step, I have no will or patience for annuals) is the most fun to watch:

Patio More Patio

I lost a couple of plants over the winter. One of them was a foxglove plant (digitalis! for the pharmaphriends). Upon researching foxglove, I found that foxglove is a biennial, rather than a perennial, so it usually only lives 2 years – the first is kind of a set-up year, and the second is the flowering year (so it is certainly in its second year when it looks fancy at the store). It is possible, if you plant a “stand” of foxglove, that new plants will come back every year, since there’s enough pollination and natural re-seeding and other botany things to continue the life cycle of the plants indefinitely. So that was sort of an expected loss, but still a bummer. One weird thing about my foxglove plant is that the leaves stayed green through the winter and into the spring, and THEN they turned brown and died. I planted another foxglove plant in the side bed at the end of last year, and it actually looks to be doing quite well this year…I don’t think it was flowering when I bought it in the fall (Fall is for planting!).

The side bed also got spruced up with fresh mulch, and most everything came back (one of our “starter” mail-order hostas – I think Captain Kirk variety did not come back):

Side Bed More Side Bed

I bought a hydrangea and planted it in front of the hose cart. The hydrangea is small right now, but I’m hoping it will grow grow grow and eventually hide the hose cart when you look from the yard. We’ll see how that works out, I guess:

New Hydrangea

In other yard news, the hummingbird feeders are up, and we’ve both seen hummingbirds flying, but neither Brian nor me have seen them drinking sweet sweet sugar water. We still have at least 2 babby squirrels around and lots of adults. They enjoy free corn.

I had to work in Cincinnati the week before last. I drove down Sunday night, checked in the hotel and took a napper. I had to be at the cyclotron pharmacy at midnight, and I was mostly there for my pharmacist initials. Whatever. It was kind of fun, since my normal work has required extra thinking and time lately, since nobody is overly familiar with the new program yet, and in Cincinnati I was just signing things, checking the typed orders against faxes, and wipe testing pigs. Also, the tech there is probably the best NPT I’ve ever been around, and he also does standup on the weekends. I have no idea if his standup is good, but he was conversationally funny…I think I LOLed like 80% of our downtime. I showed him the video of “my new daddy” and he had me in stitches.

I’ve been to Cincinnati a few times over the years since I got done at XU, and when you’re there for a weekend (or even a long weekend), it’s hard to see random peeps that you don’t necessarily keep in touch with but would like to see every now and then. Luckily for me, I was able to set up relatively last minute playdates for myself most of the evenings I was there (possibly at the expense of sleep). I should have taken pictures of my peeps, or at least their children/furbabies, but I didn’t. Oh well.

Monday, I saw my loves Mary and family. The kids were excited to see me and kept me laughing. Tuesday, I went to Erin’s house and we had dinner at Allyn’s restaurant, where the turkey chili was sweet and delicious and the “blackened turkey burger” was probably just a hamburger (and my stomach did not like it). Wednesday, I traveled into Kentucky to go to Amy’s house for dinner and some hanging out. Thursday, I met Big Rach at an Indian restaurant in Oakley, and then I drove up to Dayton to watch the Office series finale with Ryan and his lovely wife and companion animals.

I keep in touch with Mary pretty well, but the others – not so much. I hadn’t seen Amy since graduation (though as a CHILD OF DIVORCE, she was helpful via email during the thing with parents – especially around holidays). I’m not even sure anymore what all happened between her and Big Steph and me…but I am sure I wasn’t in a hurry to deal with them again for a long time, and they definitely weren’t in a hurry to deal with me (I could come up with bits and pieces of what went down, if I had to, but I would choose not to. Perception and fuzzy recollection versus what really happened would not be in my favor…plus we’re all totally different, improved people now, and that was what seems to be several lifetimes ago – and I hope they feel the same). I hadn’t seen Big Rach in probably 6 or 7 years. We were estranged for a long time after Big Steph and I lived with her and Big Kate junior year and decided they were the ultimate in wet blankets trying to keep us down. I know we were bitches to them…but time fixes most things, I think, and I’m thankful for that. For all the changing and growing (and forgetting) that we’ve all done, we are the same enough to pick up as old friends. It was fantastic to see everyone happy in their lives with husbands and kids and jobs they seem to love.

While I was at Amy’s, I got the following pictures from Brian:



In addition to the many types of wildlife we have been trying to lure into our yard, we also had/have a sneaky snake. Excitement.

I came back last Friday morning after stopping at Ikea, and I probably should have napped somewhere before coming home…but luckily, I didn’t die driving home exhausted. I had to work last weekend here (boooooooo), but Bossman took call Friday night. I hadn’t worked a night using the new system yet since the GO LIVE night where there were so many people there that I spent hours putting tape on QC pigs so that the bar code labels would peel off more easily…so anyway, I had to figure out how to compound using the new system on the fly, which was kind of fun. I had Monday off, but who cares since I had to work nights this week starting Monday night. I thought it was kind of fun to see how well I could do with planning in the new system, so the night shifts went pretty quick. The exciting thing is that now I’m on staycation!

Also, when I was at Ikea, I finally bought the long curtains that I’d been eyeing for our bedroom with the half-circle window. I’m not going to go into all the money or time I’ve spent or problems that this project caused, but I think the end result is pretty great and conducive to sleep.

Curtains open:

Curtains Open

Curtains closed:

Curtains Closed

(Luckily during the course of this project, my dad happened to stop by, so he helped whip this project into shape…)

Also, while my dad was here, he helped me hang my framed jersey finally:

Framed and Hung

Even though I was gone to Cincinnati when this happened, someone thought to take pictures for my bulletin board (Bossman’s Syncorversary):

Presentation Ceremony

So that’s what’s been up around here. Lots of night shifts and discombobulation.

Posted in Domesticity!, Friends, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Nature!, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | 4 Comments

Other junk

After the stress of The DEPLOYMENT, I decided to finally put together and hang the bulletin board I bought for work. Here it is in its semi-complete form, for now. (Be advised that some one ridiculous driver already hassled me about how he’s not in any pictures. People are always assholes.)

Work Bulletin Board

Here is a picture of two cats in very close proximity to each other, which is exciting:


Today, Alley Mae and Harvard almost reached freedom, as I was working outside all day and at some point went inside and didn’t latch the door to the garage when I went back outside. I came around the corner with a full garbage can and saw two confused cat faces in the garage, and after some scrambling, they stepped all over each other trying to get back inside.

I spent the day trimming the bushes in the front yard and mulching:

Mulching Behind the bushes



Posted in Cats and more cats, House and Yard, Lame. Work. | Leave a comment

Toledo Zoo 5/9/13

Yesterday, Brian and I went to the Zoo.

They apparently have been celebrating Louie the elephant’s 10th Birthday. Here’s the cool inflatable elephant that was set up at the entrance of the Zoo:

Inflatable Elephant

This was our first trip to the Zoo since the baby polar bears were finally put on exhibit:


A ton of animals were out and about:

Giraffe Sloth Bear

The elephants were enjoying some enrichment:




Even the lion was less sleepy than usual:

White Lion

Last time we were at the Zoo, we watched baby monkeys learning to climb, which they’ve gotten much better at since then:

Babby Monkey

Here’s a lemurball (two adults and you can see tiny babby tails in the mess):

Lemur Ball

Going up the ramp to get to the bridge over the trail, we could see the Wallaby Walkabout area, even though it is still off-limits while the wallabies acclimate to their environment:

Wallaby Walkabout
Posted in HoneyBear, Nature!, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

We survived “Deployment”…so far.

So last week was deployment week. I was freaking out trying to have everything perfect for when the deployment team got there, and I was lead to believe that the week would be jam-packed with activity. It turned out, I think, that since I’m not retarded and did a kind of OK job, much of the frantic work I expected was eliminated. I wasn’t quite sure what I was supposed to be doing most of the time. I worked days Monday-Wednesday, and then came back Wednesday night to work early Thursday morning, when we dispensed in the new system for the first time.

Oh, before I get ahead of myself, here’s Dave doing the first elution in the new system Wednesday afternoon:

The First Elution

And here’s Justin drawing the first dose…(and if it wasn’t actually the first dose, this is exactly what it looked like when he drew the first dose):

First Dose

So Thursday morning was kind of a clustercuss…lots of stuff out late and we found some things I forgot to take care of while we were knee-deep in chaos, but the “team” said that’s how it almost always goes (which of course made me pissed at myself because I wanted us to be above average). Second run went better, except for the system going down for a while, but overall, I was relieved that we had survived the first night. I finally went home after being there 10+ hours, and I told Brian I wasn’t going to sleep much because I wanted to be able to sleep Thursday night. I promptly slept on the couch for about 6 hours. I still went to sleep early that evening and was still beat when I got up for work Friday morning.

Here are some pictures from Friday that illustrate the good attitude everyone continues (hopefully) to have and their willingness to learn:

Dudes Old Dudes

I took this picture as I was leaving Saturday, I like it because it has a crack and the Syncor S is still visible:


Additionally, Friday night, I finally saw Nasim…we’d seen his poop, but not him yet this season:


Anyway, after all the hubbub, it was nice to just chillax this weekend and not have to worry about all my SUPERUSER responsibilities, knowing that we were deployed and it’s been a success so far…rechargy! I did tasks like edging and hose repair and didn’t have to think about GOING LIVE! at all. It was terrific (until I go back to work tomorrow and we have to figure out all sorts of new oddball things…).

Posted in House and Yard, Lame. Work., Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | 1 Comment

Last Lady Rocket post until next season

I’ve been walking with Kim and her kid(s) and dog a couple of times this week when it was decent weather…Travis used to be quiet, but now he’s a terrible spaz…leaving Anthony as the good one:

The Good One

More superusing has been happening…lots of moving stuff and reorganizing done by boys…Here are some pictures I took when I went in for a bit on Friday to check on the progress:

WHAT? Team Work Makes The Dream Work

Just when I was getting over the heartbreak of losing some of my favorite Lady Rockets to graduation, the bandaid was ripped off again today when my Dad, his Lady friend, and I went to the reception/banquet thing at Savage. The first half hour was raffle/silent auction schmoozy time. Then they played a really awesome highlight video, gave out some awards, and then the seniors all talked and thanked and thanked some more. Naama thanking people was super intense…she said she didn’t think she’d make it a month here, but she stayed 5 years, and she had so many good things to say about her teammates, coaches, and the community (really, all 5 seniors did)…quite the reminder why the program has the following that it does. Additionally, we don’t get to see the Lady Rockets looking snazzy very often, and what do you know, they clean up nice (not a very good picture since we didn’t have very close seats…all the better for my tearfulness):

Lady Rockets

Anyway, 3 players aren’t coming back next year – one was no surprise, but at least of the others was kind of a shocker – and we heard later about another Spanish player they signed for next year. Interesting turn of events. So international!

This is the poster thing I won with raffle tickets and then had to chase Kyle around to have it signed:

I won this!

And this is the thing I got in the silent auction (I also got my dad a signed Lecretia jersey, but didn’t take a picture of it before he took it):

I bought this!

Posted in Catch the Fever, Friends, Lame. Work., Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment



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Superusing fool

Up until, like, 2003, I thought fall was my favorite season. Then I started realizing that fall is when all my plants die, it gets cold, the sun goes away, and my SAD starts. I always hated winter, because, you know, who doesn’t?, but now winter is sort of enjoyable because of Lady Rockets (also, after I settled into my house, I realized that winter is magical because you don’t have to mow the grass). This year, there seems to be a long, boring chunk of CHILLY SPRING (this might be Phil’s fault). IT NEEDS TO GET WARM AND SOON. We’ve only had about 2 days that were pleasant go-outside weather, and the FluffyCat needs to get shaved because there’s been an uptick in cat pukingness as she sheds.

Anyway, nothing really has been happening in the 419 lately…I’ve just been working and thinking about work and more work because of our new computer system, but that’s going to be ending soon as next week is the GO LIVE date. I spent the last few days moving new computers, monitors, printers, and brackets/shelves for those things into the pharmacy and organizing all their associated cables/wires/etc. I was suppose to have the next two days off for working last weekend, but I have to work tomorrow because we are short on activity due to some planned reactor shutdowns. I still have some computer work to do anyway, so whatever. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy anyway.

So that’s been happening, slowly but surely getting closer to DEPLOYMENT of the new system. I’ve got my labelmaker ready to label whatever needs to be labelled next week…I love me some labelling, and I don’t get to label much in my adult life.

As far as my accumulated media since I blogged last:

We have at least one baby/adolescent/not full-sized squirrel that visits us…he may or may not have had a young brother/sister/friend that was carried off by a hawk…could have been a chipmunk or mouse though. Anyway, he humps the air while he’s eating at the corn log, and I LOL when I see it:

Baby Squirrel

We’ve been seeing only Mr. Duck lately…I think Mrs. Duck is possibly nesting somewhere. On Sunday, I spent a couple of hours in the afternoon outside clearing leaves from the flower beds, and Mr. Duck nonchalantly monitored my progress from the roof:

Duck on Roof

The other day while we were on a conference call in his office, Bossman updated his framed picture of the Men’s Basketball team to reflect the defections:

UT Men's Basketball

Since I blogged last, the Boston Marathon explosions happened. I was home alone that afternoon while Brian was on his way back from Marion, and I cried and cried when I saw the news. I might be an extra-large lazoid fatty right now, but I have had many incarnations as a runner over the years. I am not and will never be good at running, no matter my weight or training level, but I always come back to it and also LOVE watching people for whom running is an effortless joy (human gazelles). Most recently, we went to Detroit in October to watch MattieBeach run a WHOLE MARATHON…moving from less crowded stretches to the last quarter mile or so where there were thousands of excited people around us…any of whom could have blown us up, I suppose.

I’ve never gone out of my way to make friends with people at running events or joined a training group or the like, but runners and their supporters are generally good people. They are my people.

I was upset by 9/11, but it was somehow more abstract to me. I had never been to NYC or really been in such a populous area before to understand the losses of life, property, and the vitality of the city…plus I was a retarded 22 year old. The older you get, the more sad things seem, I think…the more you appreciate the relationships that you are reminded could be lost in a heartbeat, the ramifications of injuries for an individual and their families and friends, the interconnectedness of people and things and businesses, the expense and hardships those might cause for years to come…who pays for what? I have no idea, but the question scares me more as a 34 year old than it did as a 22 year old.

Just today, I read about how as they were opening the Back Bay area, everything was a little like Pompei: just as it was left at one exact moment in time, this time a week and a half ago and not covered in ash. People who didn’t have the forethought or weren’t at home to grab their pets before the area was completely shut down were being warned to prepare themselves for finding their precious companion animals dead after a week and half with no water. That never occurred to me over this week and a half…somehow I thought that area was all businesses, I guess. I can’t take the idea of companion animals alone and scared and thirsty and hungry. (Not that the human impact wasn’t terrible enough…) I just can’t imagine having to deal with sick or dead companion animals on top of everything else Bostonians have been dealing with.

Anyway, I liked this:


Also, I am 99% sure that anybody reading this is an important peep in my life (shoutout to you, my 3-person readership!)…I am grateful for you. I am grateful for the worst thing that happened to me last week being a tie between work bullshit and a slug crawling on my toe (so, so gross!).

I tell you life is sweet/
In spite of the misery/
There’s so much more/
Be grateful.

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Domesticity!, Friends, House and Yard, I'm so patriotic., Lame. Work., Let's Talk About Me, My fat ass, Running | 3 Comments

Just Using in a Super Way

I am the designated expert for our new computer system we’re getting at work, and it is a lot of work and confusion. Busy and stressy.

Other than that, it’s the sad time after Lady Rocket basketball ends and actual appreciable warm weather happen. Also, Brian’s been sick and we’ve been trying to get through some of the Hotel Impossibles on the DVR. Boring.

We did get the squirrels’ goofy corn contraption up:


When the squirrel actually got on it, it seemed kind of torturous for a bit, until they figured out how to beat it (Now it just seems tacky):


Lots of sweet duck action this year; our yard duck couple has been around, plus I saw a male duck at work:

Yard Ducks Work Duck

Work-Santa brought this in and was studying from it. HE IS GOING OFF THE GRID:


Posted in Domesticity!, HoneyBear, Lame. Work., Nature!, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

So this is going to happen sometime soon:


Posted in House and Yard, Stupid stuff | 1 Comment