Lady Rocket postseason program

Three weeks ago, I forced Brian to go to the Lady Rockets’ postseason program.

Last year, I sobbed and sobbed at this event because it was an extended goodbye to the Jewie (N.B. Naama has been playing in Israel this past year) and her 4 classmates after a good year. This year, we were waiting for the season to mercifully end…so I didn’t expect to be too sad…but 1) I’ve always been an Andola Dortch fan, 2) This was the freshman class from our first year of fandom, so now we’ve seen a class the whole way through, and 3) the senior thank yous/goodbyes are always emotional. Janelle, who is a jovial fan-favorite (she has shaken our hands after games many times), was suuuuuuper-emo, thanking everybody for donating to the account they set up to help when she took custody of her younger brother. I’m a sucker for how important a role Coach Cullop seems to play in her players’ lives. Also, I cry all the time…I might have been teary-eyed, whatever.

2014 Seniors

Regular readers may remember that I have an Andola Dortch away (midnight blue) jersey. I had her sign it once before, with a silver marker on the blue fabric. The silver marker didn’t stand out very well, so I googled how to remove sharpie from fabric (it’s been a while…peroxide?), and my efforts were successful. So anyway, this was my last chance to have Dola re-sign my jersey. After the program, I went down to the court and asked Dola to sign the jersey, this time on one of the white numerals with a regular sharpie. She graciously agreed and we talked a bit about Janelle’s tearjerker rambling. I wished her luck, and she said thank you. Then I said, “I’ve watched you so long that I feel like I know you, but I don’t,” and she said, “Oh, you do.” I said, “Can I give you a hug?” and she said, “Please.” We hugged, I left, I fangirled out, the end. Dola fan for life! She could potentially play in Europe, but I’m not sure she’ll have anything other than dust in her knees when she’s 40 if she does (she might not anyway).

Here’s her autograph:

Dola Autograph

And here’s the jersey back in the frame:

Back in the Frame

Posted in Catch the Fever, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment

So Sleepy

As is the new norm, I’ve gotten behind on my blogging again. I’ve been doing a lot of stuff outside (don’t worry – you’ll GET to see, of course).

Sleepy Cat

Sleeping Cat

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Rain Tribute

This past week, I got to take Tuesday off to go to the last class of the Master Gardener Volunteer class…for this I had to agree to take call Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, which made me sad. It turned out Tuesday’s class was a total waste of time.

Lecturer: What is a vegetable?
Idiot Classmate: The part of the plant that is not the fruit.
Another Idiot Classmate: Stuff that kids don’t want to eat.
Lecturer: These are all good answers.


Anyway. So now all that’s left is all the volunteering…50 hours this year. The problem with the volunteering that I HADN’T really planned on (I did briefly think about how it might be sort of difficult to do the volunteering as virtually the only non-retired person), is that it seems like 90% of Master Gardener Volunteers are annoying. So yeah. We’ll see about this. Really I should have just taken a horticulture class at Owens or something.

So the highlight of the week was seeing Rain Tribute at Stranahan with my Dad, Donna, and Brian. Very cool. I took some pictures from our shitty seats.

Waiting for the show to start:

Waiting for the show to start

This looks like it has had a filter applied, but it’s just a shitty picture:


Other pictures:

Let It Be Let It Be

Let It Be:


A cat singing Let It Be:

Hey Jude:

Hey Jude

Posted in Cats and more cats, Family Time, Lame. Work., Master Gardener Volunteer, Parentals, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

A trip to the Zoo’s Greenhouse and Conservatory

I may or may not have mentioned that I’m doing the Master Gardener Volunteer program this year through the OSU extension office. There are 9 Tuesdays worth of classroom instruction that started in early February. I’ve missed some mornings of class because of work, but I’ve been to most of the classes (regrettably, plant pathology, soil, and trees have been morning sessions that I missed). I have loved almost all of it. I want to re-take botany and take botany illustration and horticulture and all sorts of other classes that I won’t be able to find suitable options for.

This past Tuesday afternoon, we went on a field trip to the Toledo Zoo. Of course it was still cold and not very spring-like here, so we didn’t get to see any of the outside plants or gardens. We listened to a woman talk about plant propagation at the Zoo. They plant something like 13,000 plants a season, and almost all of them are propagated at the Zoo. There are some plants that they buy, but most are grown from seeds or cuttings. This time of year is very busy and crowded in the Zoo’s greenhouse.

After that, our group divided into two parts, and each part went with one of the Zoo’s horticulturists for tours of the Conservatory and the greenhouse.

In the Conservatory, we saw this papaya tree:

Papaya Tree More Papaya Tree

It was grown from seed a few years ago. They papayas are given to Zoo animals for enrichment.

They have lots of bromeliads in the Conservatory and in the greenhouse. My grandma loved bromeliads:


Here’s a cool Staghorn Fern. There are two in the conservatory. Staghorn Ferns have two different kind of fronds: fertile and basal. The fertile fronds are the “leafier” ones. They bear spores like “normal” fern fronds. The basal fronds are the rounded or kidney-shaped ones that grow around the base of the fern. They protect the roots of the plant and provide structure. They will pretty much envelop whatever you put the fern in…you can see in this picture that they are starting to creep on the upper left of the pot the fern is in:

Staghorn Fern

Here are some random cool plants from the greenhouse:

Pretty Lilly Heart-shaped Lots of plants Mexican Sunflowers Greenhouse Greenhouse Greenhouse Greenhouse

Cool Plant

Venus Fly Traps and what not



The greenhouse conditions were all regulated by a computer system – the vents opened and closed and the shade cloth was pulled and retracted to maintain the conditions the horticulturists specified. Super cool!

Additionally, and unrelated of course, here’s a picture of my cat kneading the soft blanket I bought in Indianapolis:

Kneady McKneadaburger

Posted in Cats and more cats, Master Gardener Volunteer, Nature!, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

Snow, March basketball, and (hopefully) no more snow

So there’s been a lot of basketball action since I blogged last. I love the Lady Rockets, but at a certain point (right after that last blog post), I was like, “Oh dear sweet baby Jesus, just let this season end.”

Following that, there was a women-men doubleheader that we only went to the women’s half of (a 1-point loss to WMU), and there was an overtime loss to NIU that was painful to watch/listen to online.

That NIU game was a day game…how was I able to watch/listen to it? OH THAT’S RIGHT, I HAD THE FLU. One of Kim’s disease-vector children, who I sat with at the pink game, came down with (diagnosed) Flu A the same day that I did. I actually had to call off work for 2 days. I still do not regret not getting a flu shot. I do regret holding babies.

I was recovered enough to go sit quietly at the Central Michigan home game on Day 5 of my illness to watch the Ladies lose.

Then, as is always a good idea when you’re coming off of an illness, I had to work nights. I am still coughing.

Wednesday, March 5th was the last regular season home game, so it was Senior Night:

Senior Night

The Ladies beat EMU handily, and we marked the end of a VERY solid Lady Rocket career (my girl Dola), the end of the careers of some ladies who were quality bench players whom we were forced to watch start and play big minutes all season (Nelly, Krunch), and for the sake of completeness, the end of our looooooooong 4-year obligation to a super-dud (Mariah). This Senior Night was not as emotionally draining as when we started our long goodbye to the SuperJew.

Some pictures from their post-game radio time:

Zany Nelly Krunch Nelly Dola! Mariah

That Friday afternoon, I drove to Indianapolis to see Kim in her new apartment. It is a nice apartment, but they really have a lot of kids. This was also evident when we went to get Mexican food that night. Sooooo many children.

The next morning, I woke up at 6:30am (and oh boy did I want to sleep, since I was coming off of nights) to the sounds of the many children. It is worth noting that Kim convinced me to turn the white noise machine on on Saturday night, and I liked it so much I ordered one and use it for night shift day sleeping. Anyway, the purpose of my trip was to make Kim go to the Lady Rockets game at Ball State. We arrived at the barn and watched the Ladies lose (though at some point Dola made it close, briefly). This is the only picture I took while I was in Indy, to show the shitty scoreboard (and shitty score):

Ball State

While we were sitting there watching the game, we managed to realize that I went to junior prom with the father of Jack’s best Indianapolis friend. He is a weird dude. Also, I made friends with the mother and daughter who were sitting in front of us. They were from Waterville, and the mom and I bonded over how sad Senior Night is.

Kim and I found a delicious Indian restaurant after the game, and we wandered around Homegoods and Trader Joes and then finally gave up and went back to the apartment where the many children were. Here is a cartoon I just recently sent to Kim:


Here is a humorous picture Kim recently sent to me (the baby is not really a giant):


The next week I was off work because basketball. Monday night was the home site MAC game for the women. They beat Ohio in what was really the last game at Savage for the seniors:

Dola/MAC Final

Because they won, they got to go on to Cleveland on Wednesday. Wednesday, it snowed like crazy (again, this winter would not die), and we ended up not making the trip.

Here are some late-winter snowy pictures involving squirrels:

Hello there


Bossman said that the roads were passable if you took your time, and I tried to convince Brian that we should go, but it was fortunate he did not agree. There was some kind of crazy turnpike accident that day that involved 50+ vehicles…3 fatalities, a highway patrol dude seriously hurt when he was pinned between cars, and tons of wreckage…plus, POTATOES EVERYWHERE.


The Ladies won the Wednesday game against Western, so we planned to go to their Thursday game against Akron at 2:30. When we got up, I checked all the news stations and the twitters, trying to find out if the turnpike was back to normal after the miles of crashes. The turnpike twitter said that 2 lanes were open with minor delays, so I thought we’d be OK if we left early, and if the trucks all got off the turnpike, I’d follow them. We left before 11, and we ended up sitting in traffic for 2 hours. It seemed to have been because people were gawking at the potatoes and Easy Mac off to the sides of the road. We didn’t get to the Q until 3:15…right as halftime was about to start. The Ladies were down by about 20 by then. We did see Campy Russell walking around on the concourse, and we got to see the freshly retired number:


A picture during the last game of the 2013-14 season:

Lady Rockets at the Q

Rocksy doing stunts:


The final score, which maybe isn’t so bad because Akron ended up winning the MAC tournament and going on to (get whipped in) the NCAA:

End of Lady Rocket season

After the half of basketball that we watched, we went to Harry Buffalo and had dinner and then drove home. On our way home, we saw that they were diverting eastbound traffic off of the turnpike before the accident zone. Son of a bitch!

Six hours (and some change) in the car and watching the Ladies lose did not make for the best day ever. The Toledo men played the next night (Friday) at the Q, and at some point we had kind of kicked around going, but after Thursday we took the day off from going to Cleveland. Since we were not there, of course the game was super fun.

We decided to go to Cleveland early the next day to see Ball State vs. Akron in the MAC championship. This was Ball State’s 6th game in 8 days, and 5th game in 6 days, so they looked a little tired. Akron won.

We went to the casino, where we looked at people, I was overstimulated, and Brian gambled five of my dollars. Then we went to the mall.

Finally it was time to go to the men’s MAC championship game. We bought our tickets that afternoon, so they were not very good. Here is our view:

Men's Seats

Curiously, the women’s basketball coaching staff had seats one row less shitty:

Women's Coaching Staff

Here’s a picture of all the Cavs’ banners at the Q:


The men lost, the game was terrible, we regretted going, etc. Here’s a crappy picture of game:

Men Losing

Here’s a picture of the Western horsey looking stoned:

Stoned Horsey

The Rocket men played an NIT game, which was away and also terrible, so who cares.

More excitingly, UT hosted some NCAA WBB first and second round games. We saw Vanderbilt (coached by former Xavier coach Melanie Balcomb!) lose to Arizona State, and Robert Morris lose to perennial powerhouse and guilt-laden Catholic favorite Notre Dame in the first round games:

Vanderbilt vs. Arizona State RMU vs. ND RMU vs. ND ND Game Final

One of the best parts was the halftime entertainment of the ND game – the jump-roping Pop Rocks out of Troy, Ohio. These ladies were very talented:

Pop Rocks

On Monday the 24th, we went back to Savage to watch Notre Dame beat Arizona State:

ASU vs. ND ASU vs. ND ASU vs. ND

Here’s a cool picture of the start of the game from somewhere high up:

From Suites

I was stillll not ready to let WBB die for the year, so I forced Brian to go to the BGSU WNIT game versus Michigan on Thursday.


BG won. Also of note, the U of M bandos wear those white Mickey Mouse gloves indoors, which I find weird. Of course, it is difficult to see in this picture because the Stroh is poorly designed and the only video board is at the one end and we had a terrible view of it, but whatever.

UM Bandos

BG plays Rutgers on Monday, but I’m not, like, $16.35 interested in going to a BG game. I’ll watch it on TV, perhaps.

One day last week, I shoveled snow from the yard ONTO the driveway to get it to melt. In the backyard, I shoveled snow from near the house out into the less shaded area. I was pretty set on not looking at snow any longer than I had to, and I think it paid off. Suck it, everyone else who still has crusty snow piles in their yards.

Today the sun was out. Even something as terrible as raking leaves seemed wonderful because it was not cold and/or snowy. Soon it will be real spring!

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, HoneyBear, Let's Talk About Me, Nature!, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Cats, curtains, and some Lady Rockets

Harvard and BabyCat have been really into the bathtub lately. If you use the guest bathroom, BabyCat will either come in with you or, if you don’t let her, she will put her paws under the door from the outside. If she comes in with you, she gets in the tub. Lately I’ve been turning the faucet on and watching her try to drink/chomp the water stream. Here she is studying the faucet:

Why is this cat so dumb

Harvard likes any water source, so he has also gotten involved:

Drink it

If one or the other is enjoying fresh water from the bathtub faucet, a line will form. The line is usually lazy. Here is a BATHTUB PARTY!:


Sometimes, you find this in the bathtub in the dark:

Please to turn the water on


In talking about curtains with Kim, I realized that the curtain rod in the yellow room was hung way too low for the shitty tab-top denim curtains that have always been in there. I was being handy, and decided to move the curtain rod up (this was partly selfish to darken that room even more, partly to make it look less dumb). After doing that, I found out that the stupid tab-top denim curtains were different lengths. YAY. So I ordered new navy blue curtains on Amazon, wooed by them being blackout and not denim. They are nice enough curtains, but they have shiny silver grommets at the top…so the thin black rod that was in there looked stupid. I had to get a fatter silver rod, so I wielded my drill a bit more. By then I was on my 3rd set of unsightly drill holes, so my little curtain project had to involve hole-filling and paint touch-up…and the can of yellow paint was rusted shut…nothing is ever easy…and curtains with grommets let a lot of light in at the top, which is a bummer. Anyway, the finished project looks OK:


February 15th was the pink game for the Lady Rockets. As is our custom, I bought 60 of the $6 tickets ($6 for a shirt and a ticket? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS???) and I got rid of some of them (15) and my Dad got rid of the rest to TTHers. The problems were many, though, this year. 1) The shirts were not available until Thursday (2 days before the game), and 2) my Dad hadn’t been back to work post-surgery until Monday (5 days before the game). It all worked out though…but not without me getting really irritated with the people at UT about the late availability of the shirts (and 3) they repeatedly ignored my inquiries). Not sure I will do that again. Here’s what the shirt looked like:


I make a big enough deal of it that pals will usually come to town for it (it IS fun). Kim and her family came in from Indy, and I managed to make her coerce a large group of her family and former neighbors to go too. Brian’s Aunt Beth and Uncle Jim sat with him in the good seats, I sat with Kim et al. near the band, and my Dad and Donna sat in the upper bowl with Donna’s daughter Monica and granddaughter Mia. We really do our part to try to bring in extra people. It’s fun. Here is my good friend Travy and his cousin Laina (in the best sweather ever) at the game:

Laina and Travy

Wednesday, my Dad, Donna, and I went up to Eastern Michigan for the Ladies’ game. Here are a couple pictures. It’s always fun to go up there because the UT fans far outnumber the EMU fans.

More Eastern


As is ALWAYS the case, we picked seats at Eastern that seemed good for about 3 minutes. As soon as we got comfortable in our seats, the most unpleasant of all Lady Rocket fans filled in around us. The 55 year old twin sisters who shriek “DEFENSE ROCKETS DEFENSE” and “TAKE YOUR TIME” (among other things) were to my right, and two obnoxious fan club higher-ups were behind us. At some point, an Eastern player hipchecked one of our players into the thingy that holds up the basket (stanchion?) and then smirked, so much smirking, and kept smirking. Eventually it was ruled a flagrant foul, but in the mean time, the fan club lady behind us was yelling things like “WHY DON’T YOU STOP SMIRKING AND TAKE SOME PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY!??!” which might be my favorite thing I have ever heard yelled at a sporting event. Overall, of course, their super-biased screaming to hear themselves scream was embarrassing and grating.

I have little else to report, other than that I have been enjoying the Master Gardener Volunteer classes that I’ve been able to go to. They are taught by smart people, which, as always, gets me super jazzed. The problem, as you may imagine, is my fellow classmates, who say things like “Wait, just so I have this straight, the photosynthesis does not occur in the roots like I’ve always thought? You’re saying it happens in the green parts of the plant??” Also, they waste a lot of time asking or commenting about stupid shit from their yard. LET THE PERSON WITH A PhD TALK…AND *NOT* ABOUT A COCOON YOU FOUND ON YOUR BIRDBATH, THAT’D BE SUPER.

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, Cats and more cats, Craftiness, Domesticity!, Friends, House and Yard, Nature!, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment

ALL the snow

So last winter was crazy mild, both with regards to temperature and precipitation…but this winter is out of control. As of Tuesday, Toledo has had the second snowiest winter ever (or, since records have been kept):

The reading of 72.7 inches of snow was taken at 7 a.m. today at Toledo Express Airport. The record is 73.1 inches, according to the weather service.

These are pics from the 6th, so this is after the storm I mentioned in my last post:


(For the vulnerability and occasional beating of my mailbox in the warmer months, it has been much safer from plows than most people’s mailboxes, given the FEET of snow that have been protecting it:)

Sad Mailbox

I went to Kroger after that storm…here are some pictures to show how crazy the piles of snow are in local parking lots:

Kroger Snowpiles

More Spring Meadows

I think I included a picture of the older-style Kroger with the danger-snow in a previous post, but I enjoy this latest method of keeping people from walking in the falling snow/ice zone:

Kroger Carts

This is crazy:

Patio Again

One day after another snow/cold snap, the sky was really pretty blue and I should have taken more pictures of how ridiculous our snow situation is:

Blue Sky Neighborhood

Let’s try to remember this when it’s 100 degrees this summer:

My House

We have not braved the snow in the backyard to give the squirrels more corn cobs, but we’ve thrown a few ears out when the squirrels begged. They’ve gotten a little braver and have been coming up into cat-taunting territory for corn. They generally travel via snow tunnels, which has been fun to watch. These look like footprints/paths, but what you see is their tunnel system. The tunnels cave in and they poke their heads up like meerkats occasionally, and it is the best (but impossible to get a picture of):


Monday night of this past week, we got what was hopefully our last big snow…it snowed heavy snow all evening, and we shoveled before we went to bed. Again, heaving the heavy snow over the 4 foot piles is what sucks:

Last Big Snow?

From Tuesday afternoon on, it’s been warmer during the day (it even rained one day!), which caused the start of the thaw. Rocky El Blanco Gnomo is finally peeking out:


A few more weather-related notes:

1. The ice-dams in the gutters have been ridiculous. I think the ice is pretty much melted, and we’ve been lucky so far as the threat of water damage goes. The Big Melt is coming. Hopefully my sandy soil does its superior draining.

2. I made Inky sad one day because apparently he thought he was going to be able to sell me his snowblower. There’s been a lot of talk about 1, 2, and 3 stage snowblowers (whatever that crap means), and he wants to upgrade because he is a tiny, Napoleon-like man. I do not wish to own a snowblower.

3. I don’t understand this voodoo of the children’s snow days not counting against them. Why would they not? I am a curmudgeon, but the 5 day thing is there to make sure they go to school enough. Beyond 5 days, they should make the days up, not get them magically erased. So weird and stupid.

4. I am tired of moving buckets around to catch the roof leaks at work. UGH.

5. It’s 71 on Sanibel right now.

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, House and Yard, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Birthday Stuff

Chiara sent me this on my birthday, which I enjoyed:


My Dad and Donna came over and we all went to the Ladies’ game versus BG. When we got back, I got my presents, which was a jar of some sort of weird sauerkraut-looking stuff with other vegetables in it from Donna, and printers letters of my name from my dad. We watched the squirrels in the backyard for a while, The squirrels were pretty active:

Squirrel Friends

Monday, I spent a lot of time trying to get some of the ice up on the sidewalk and the front walk to get ready for the storm we had last night. I also got my sewing machine out to work on my blackout curtain liners for my bedroom. I couldn’t find blackout liners the right size – I had some that were long enough but not wide enough at all (30″ is not wide enough for curtains 57″ wide. Plus, the Ikea curtains in there afford no good ways to attach the liner…drapery hooks are for lameos. SOOOOOO I found blackout curtain fabric by the yard on amazon and ordered up 8 yards (!). That was something like $102. Then I was trying to figure out the specifics of this project and realized I needed snap tape to attach the new liners I was going to make to the curtains. For the 114″ of snap tape I needed…$56. Plus I bought thread and bobbins and this project was stupid expensive. But! What I wanted was unavailable, and I made it happen after hours of work (I could not get the tension right working with that weird blackout fabric…plus the large curtain size was difficult to work with in general). I’m really pleased. As an added bonus, the curtain rod did not fall down when I hung the liners, and it looks so nice from the street.

Curtain Liners

We got a mijillionty inches of snow last night and into today. It was not timed like the weather people said, so last night before we went to bed, we at most had 2 inches of snow…and they had said we would have the bulk of it by then. This morning, then, was a shoveling shitshow. Luckily the lady across the street was a snowblowing fool earlier. I did not go back out today to take better pictures, but here are some pictures of what I would guess is 8-10″ of new snow:

Snow! Front Snow

Really the problem is still WHERE DO WE PUT THE SNOW?? All the shoveling is much more difficult here because you have to heave the snow over the giant mound that is already there.

THEN! Excitement…My Australian birthday package came! Here are various cats with my super cool loot:

Alley + Australia

Boppy + Australia Harvard + Australia

Today, I finished my slated sewing projects by finally sewing a new drapy fabric piece for my desk room window.  I am not entirely happy with it, but I can’t quite place what is wrong:

Rocket Curtain thing

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Catch the Fever, Cats and more cats, Craftiness, Friends, GROUNDHOG EXTRAVAGANZA!!!, House and Yard, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment

Sanibel Island

Instead of buying Christmas presents for each other, Brian and I went back to Sanibel Island. We flew out of Toledo into Punta Gorda. My Dad dropped us off at the airport the morning of Friday, January 24. It was -5F and the snow was blowing across the tundra/runway. I was coming off of night shift, and the day ended up a very long day after our flight was delayed 3 hours. Going through TSA at tiny airports goes really fast, and the inside is nice since nobody is ever there.

We got to Punta Gorda right at sunset, and we were comfortable in pants and hoodies, so that was pretty amazing. After fending off the up-sell at Hertz, we stopped at Ruby Tuesday (so authentic?) and crossed the Causeway to Sanibel. We got to our hotel, Sunset Beach Inn, around 10pm.

Here’s our room, which was not beachfront because we booked it so late:

Sunset Beach Inn Room Sunset Room

Here’s the view of the Gulf from our room (looking right from our room):

Sunset Room View

This hotel was quiet and nice. It wasn’t terribly warm while we stayed there – it seemed the warmest around 10am and then seemed chilly. I still walked the beach some and loitered in the sun making Vitamin D.

Looking back towards our room from the pool area:

Sunset Beach Inn Pool

This hotel was the furthest west we have stayed on Sanibel, so the view of the sunset was everything promised by the name of the hotel.  I waited the sunset out on Saturday, going to this weird grass roofed hut from the pool area:

OH look I'm in a grass hut thing

A panoramic photo of the late afternoon sun:

Sunsetting Panoramic

A seagull on the beach:


Sun getting lower in the sky:

Beach Chairs Sunsetting

Sunsetting photos:

Sunset Sunset

My favorite picture, post-sunset:


The next morning, I got up and walked on the beach for a bit, and I also went up stairs at the hotel to take a couple of pictures:

Sunset Beach Inn Beach Pretty Beach/Sky Beach Art Beach Sky

More Panoramo

I took this picture for Chiara, so Australia:


Look, we’re at the intersection of Bunny and Rabbit!

Bunny Rabbit

Monday, we had to change hotels, because neither hotel had a spot the whole week for us. We went to the Naples Zoo to occupy ourselves between checkout and checkin. The Naples Zoo is small and does not have a huge number of animals, but it is very nice. There are also some really nice plants, as the zoo’s roots were as botanist Dr. Henry Nehrling’s gardens. The gardens were neglected after Nehrling’s death, but they were reopened in 1954, and animals were added when a couple of collectors sought a winter home for their collection of exotic animals. The land was privately owned until the mid-aughts, when Collier County purchased the land, though the zoo’s operations are not taxpayer-funded. There are many signs in the zoo warning you that you will miss half the zoo if you don’t go to the scheduled Meet the Keeper talks or the main Safari Canyon presentations. I think if you didn’t make a point of going to those things, you could get through the zoo in less than an hour, but it would be a really nice hour.

One thing that is interesting about a Southern Florida zoo is that they have to devote very little space or expense to indoor viewing for animals. The animals generally have some kind of shed or small enclosure that the animals could go in short-term in a storm or cold snap, but there aren’t really buildings. This is, of course, in contrast to our northern zoos where animals have indoor and outdoor areas and spend a good amount of time indoors during the year.

Anyway, onward to the animals! A beautiful Malayan tiger, much smaller than our Siberian Tigers:


An animal we had never seen before, a fossa!

Fossa Fossa Sign Fossa



Gator feeding time (which the gators don’t really care about because it’s cold outside and they’re slow and trying to bask in the sun):

Gator Feeding

Brian likes these cavies:

Cavies Cavy Sign Cavies

Here’s a sign about the botanist that started it all:

Henry Nehrling

They have a bachelor herd of 7 giraffes at Naples Zoo. They are quite charming, and the Zoo allows you to purchase lettuce and feed them. We went to a Meet the Keeper talk, where the keeper fed these cute dudes:


Cutest sloth ever. Too bad Kristen Bell was nowhere to be found:

Slothy McSlothaburger

Naples Zoo is one of only 4 North American Zoos with Honey Badgers. Honey badgers were busy and what not:

Honey Badger Honey Badger Honey Badger

Here’s a leopard:


Even though you can’t really tell from these weird reflecty photos, the Naples Zoo had the cleanest glass of any Zoo I’ve ever been to. You go, Naples Zoo. Also of note, try typing Naples Zoo over and over again. I can guarantee you will type Naplez almost every time.

Here’s a cool pen I bought there:

Naples Zoo Pen

We went to our second hotel, the Sanibel Inn, and our room wasn’t ready. We were told they “overbooked” and instead of the beachfront room I had booked and was looking forward to, we were being “upgraded” to a 2 bedroom condo. Immediately, I was suspicious, as when I booked the room, two things in the description were notably important to me: it was recently renovated, and THE PANORAMIC BEACHFRONT VIEW. The girl at the desk assured me that the view from our room would be just as good. You can review this map of the grounds and know that this was bullshit, as we were in the Bromeliad building, rather than the ones ON THE BEACH:

Sanibel Inn Map

We went to the room, and I was super disappointed. First of all, just in general, there were two of us, so having two bedrooms and two bathrooms wasn’t really a tradeoff for the view, etc., but the room itself was gross. It was last renovated when Golden Girls was on the air, and things were dirty, tired, gross, etc., and the view was not very good. I went back to the desk and asked about moving, even changing a different day, and was told there was no way for us to move.

Here are some pics of a grody condo that people have paid $600 to stay in (not us, we got the rate for the room we booked, or I might have lost my mind)…gross bathrooms with oh-so-fancy shell sinks, dirty carpet, dirty 1980s bedspreads (a bed that I found a bug in), old cream colored appliances and shitty formica counters, rusty mini-blinds, dirty couch, etc:

Ewwie Bathroom Ewwie Bed So fancy, look it's a shell Grossy Kitchen Golden Girls Living Area Rusty Stuff Dirty Couch Gross Carpet

This is the view from the patio, which is certainly not panoramic:

1st Condo View

Here’s what you definitely want to see in your hotel room:

So safe

So I spent a lot of time trying to find somewhere else for us to stay the rest of the time before I finally fell asleep, but I couldn’t really find anything.

The next morning (Tuesday), we went on an adventure to get out of our stupid hotel room…to the Everglades Wonder Gardens!


This attraction has a very rich history (you can tell because, on the whole, it needs to be powerwashed), which is possibly its most important asset. It was basically a privately owned roadside zoo – lots of huge animals in small enclosures, once upon a time. Then the owner died and the Wonder Gardens closed briefly. Supposedly, the property is still up for sale, but a wildlife photographer and his family have an agreement with the family of the old proprietor to use the land as more of a botanical garden and community center.

The plant life is amazing at EWG, but the signage for it is lacking. We learned at the Naples Zoo that 90% of people don’t read the signs…so maybe it’s good business sense starting out to not pour money into signs.

More on the topic of signs – some of the most interesting things to me were really old signs – there’s a really old painted sign about the EWG on the front of the entrance house (that is partially obscured because it promises a guide-led tour during your visit), and tucked behind some of the old skeletons and relics from past years at EWG was a cool painted map of the grounds showing what animals used to live where. It has been not-so-carefully updated over the years, but it would be amazing to have someone restore it to its original state to see it and marvel at the history of the grounds. It would be really cool if they made a video where a zookeeper-type went through the map/grounds and talked about how wrong the gardens used to be, based on what we know now – but that would surely put their relationship with the owning family at risk, I guess.

Anyway, it’s a nice enough place, and beyond the plants, they still have some animals. During our last trip to Florida, the only alligator we saw was the maimed one at the Slough…this trip, we saw SO many alligators between the Zoo and the Wonder Gardens:

Gators! Gator Smirk Gator!

There was a suspension bridge over the Gator enclosure, which was pretty cool:

Brian on the Suspension Bridge

There was a bird enclosure with unlabeled birds. Here’s Brian’s favorite duck:

Brian's Duck

Last trip, flamingos were on the list of goal animals, but we didn’t see any. The Wonder Gardens have the only flamingos in SW Florida:

Flamingoes Flamingo

There were some really cool turtles:

WHY HELLO Red Nose Turtle eating lettuce Turtle Eating the Cage

Also, we finally saw a gopher tortoise (in a weird old enclosure that made taking pictures difficult):


Brian by a really cool tree:


We fed swimming turtles $1 worth of turtle food, which was the best ever, and then made our way out of the Wonder Gardens.

Once we got back on the road, I noticed this dude:

Lizard Hanging On

He rode there, with occasionally yells from us to stop moving, until we got to Castle Golf, which was probably 45 minutes. I’m sure (hoping) he’s enjoying life on a miniature golf course. Here he is before I picked him up and let him go at the fence:

Lizard at Castle Golf

We enjoyed a round of Castle Golf, and I beat Brian by 2 or 3 shots:

Castle Golf

Tuesday was the nicest weather day of our trip, so after we got back we went for a pretty long walk. This is a pretty picture I took:

Prettiest Picture

So when we got back from the walk, I went to talk to the girl at the desk again (of course it was the same girl), and I basically said, “The room you put us in is gross.” She was pretty defensive. I asked about moving to another property owned by the same company, and she acted like I was the biggest moron in morontown, since those properties are smaller than Sanibel Inn. Anyway, she finally said, “To move you, I’d have to move somebody else around.” She was talking about people who weren’t there yet, so I don’t know why that would matter at all. Then she said, “All of them will have dirty carpet right now,” (OK?) and “If you’re that concerned with the decor, there’s one I can move you too, but I have to call and see if it’s clean.” YES. Anyway, after a bunch of rigmarole, I had a keycard to this other condo so we could see if we wanted to move into it. Brian and I walked in and LOLed. This place was SO nice, I’m pretty sure we were being punk’d. So fancy, such an improvement, etc.:

Stainless Steel, Oohlala Fancy kitchen, let's do some laundry Guest Bathroom Unused bedroom Looking back at the Kitchen Living Area Living Room View Bedroom View Fancy Shower Master Bath Sinks Master Bedroom Sunnier Balcony View Fancy Kitchen Lighting Fancy Shell Shelf Tray Light Fancy Kitchen Fancy Tiles

Everything was better after we moved. It was fortunate that I felt more comfortable and less disappointed in the new digs, since the weather wasn’t that great the last 2 days, so we did spend more time inside than we might have.

Wednesday morning, we were going to go to the garden tour at a neighboring hotel, but I didn’t RSVP before enough old people, so the tour was full. That was kind of a bummer, but then I read more reviews that talked about how the gardener lady keeps the tour small so that everyone can talk and ask questions about their own gardens…so the old people might have been insufferable. Instead, we went to Ding Darling Refuge. We started in the Visitor Center, which was very nice, and then walked 4 miles on a trail where we saw very few animals (we “just missed” a gator and saw several ducks and some other birds). We went back and waited around during the afternoon because Amandita was going to come and have dinner/hang out with us. YAY! We went to dinner, got ice cream, and then watched a show called “My Dirty Little Secret” on Discovery ID, starring none other than disgraced UT cross country coach Kevin Hadsell (you might know him by his acting name, Kevin Barbaro). He likes a good eyebrow raise and sitting with one leg up in bed with boxers on, we learned.

Thursday, it was chillier and rainy all day. I sat on the porch with a blanket off one of the unused twin beds in the morning. I saw an egret roaming around in the courtyard:


We went to the Center for Rehabilitation of Wildlife’s visitor center. They treat all sorts of injured animals from all over SW Florida (the hospital part is off limits, but the educational visitor center was pretty cool). Some of the information, including photograph and XRays, was pretty graphic…which is probably good, since most of the injuries are the fault of humans somehow.

CROW Admissions

Some of the reviews complained about how you couldn’t view any animals, there was nothing to see, really boring, etc. It reminded me of when you see trashy people dragging their kids through a zoo and never reading signs with them or talking about human impact on animal habitats or risk of extinction…or really any of the things that make zoos valuable. That’s the stuff that can make a zoo, or something like this, valuable. I know some people are weird about animals being closed into zoos…and that’s cool, but if you think about all the good that can come out of a zoo – young people’s interest in animals, biology, etc., conservation efforts, awareness of all the amazing animals that are out there, and what the human impact on different habitats and animals is, what we can do to help, etc., it’s at least not all bad. Anyway, to further that thought, this was a quote that I liked that was on the wall at the CROW:

Good quote

After the CROW, we drove the loop at Ding Darling in light rain. We saw a couple of birds worth seeing.

Darling Bird Darling Bird

Here’s a guide:

Ding Darling Birds

Roseate Spoonbills:

Roseate Spoonbills

We took a semi-terrible couple picture:

Couple Picture

We went to She Sells Seashells and bought two tiny starfish and two tiny sea biscuits and some other junk. The guy threw in the shiny shells you see in this picture, as well as the weird blob that doesn’t look particularly shell-like. The rest are Sanibel seashells:


I went out to the beach in the rain. Pictures from that walk…my feet in the Gulf:

Feet in the Gulf

Birds and things:

White Bird Pelican

A selfie I took on the beach:


Panoramic of a rainy day:


Looking back out toward the beach:

View to beach

That night, we missed our second home Lady Rockets game in 4 seasons – and possibly the worst game the Ladies have ever played at home. We tried to watch and listen to the game from our room, and eventually we abandoned it and went out to eat. Sad panda.

When I got out of the shower, I had a message that our flight home was delayed approximately 30 hours. By that point, 1) we missed our cats, 2) wanted to be home, 3) had spent a ton of money, 4) weren’t sure our cats or the house would survive more Matthew time…so after spending more than 2 hours overall with Allegiant to get a refund, we booked a flight out of Fort Myers into Detroit Friday at 6am (luckily my Dad is still off from his surgery and could come get us). It made our rental car 50% more expensive since it became one-way, and our flights were more expensive…but it was worth it, even though we got about an hour and a half of sleep before we had to leave for the airport. The plane wasn’t very full and we left RSW early, so we were on the ground in Detroit before 9am. When we got home, there was cat shit and pee on the stairs, tufts of cat hair EVERYWHERE, and I found several doses of cat medicine that had been spit out (the cats tongue their meds). So we cleaned the house and did all sorts of laundry and bought groceries, etc.

Anyway. I’m off this week too, so I suppose we actually could have stayed longer. I really wanted to be home to go to the Lady Rockets vs. Bowling Green game on Groundhog Day. It was a nice relaxing week, even though it wasn’t super warm. It certainly was much warmer than here.

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, FLORIDA 2014, GROUNDHOG EXTRAVAGANZA!!!, HoneyBear, Nature!, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Good Quote

“Stop telling girls they can be anything they want when they grow up. I think it’s a mistake. Not because they can’t, but because it would have never occurred to them they couldn’t.” – Sarah Silverman

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