Cleveland for Lebronukkah/Brian’s Birthday

I was working nights the week of Brian’s birthday, so we couldn’t really do anything on his special day besides follow social media for LeBron’s Decision 2.0. We had big plans to go to Cleveland the following day to go to the Cleveland Aquarium and the Indians-White Sox game.

When we were 20-30 minutes shy of downtown Cleveland, the LeBron “I’m coming home” thing hit the internet. I had to drive so that Brian could handle his excitement and communications with his family and pals. We could hear people squawking and horns honking pretty much as soon as we got off the highway. We parked across from the Q and walked through excitable people and TV reporters. We came across a guy with a professionally made sign that said, “THE KING HAS RETURNED!” He was riding around on a bike with that sign, yelling, “THE KING HAS RETURNED!” He rode by us, I told him I liked his sign, and he made his way closer to the TV crews and cameras. I took these 2 pictures, the first of which shows the sign guy (also notice the maroon shirt guy on a bike right in front of us):

The King has returned


Here’s that exact moment from the other way (and on Sportscenter):



Anyway, after the excitement near the Q and us not realizing that we should have gone directly to the Q ticket office to buy season tickets, we walked to the aquarium.

First things first, I’m the realest froggy sex:

Frog bones

Chris Bosh just went about his normal business, despite LeBron’s decision:

Chris Bosh Turtle

Here’s a cool African Tortoise we met:

African tortoise

There was a cool Shark SeaTube, but it was really difficult to take good pictures inside the tube. Here’s a picture of a big shark at the entrance of the tube:

Sharky Shark

In general, we liked the aquarium, though it is small. There were a lot of nice, clean glass pillars full of marine life, which was nice because you could walk all the way around them. I was disappointed a few times by a lack of explanatory signage.


Since it was Brian’s birthday celebration day, I said yes to the $2/person upcharge for feeding stingrays. We did have to wait around a bit for stingray feeding time, but it was worth it. For the low, low price of $2 each, we each got 2 pieces of squid and a lesson in stingray feeding.

I went first, and I squealed in delight (in contrast to everyone else, who found stingray feeding soooo boring). You have to make a fist with your thumb tucked inside and leave the squid piece sticking out the top, like Brian is doing here:

Learning to hold squidward

Then you put your hand under the water, and the stingray will swim over your hand and kind of stop when their mouth is over the squid, and then they will suck with their whole mouth.

Feeding a stingray

After our stingray excitement, we stopped along the way back to get some lunch. We made our way to Progressive Field and eventually settled in to be Kipnesses and/or enjoy being in Bro-hio:

Swisher on base SWISHER

Usually it works out that Brian’s birthday lines up with a Blue Jays game and we are surrounded by Canadians. I thought we were in the clear this year since the Indians were playing the White Sox, but no such luck…another year, another weird, fighting Canadian couple. Also, Brian was sitting next to two grown ass men sharing a vape thingy (vaporizer? Whatever, weirdos).

Cavs Colors:

Cavs Colors

This flashed briefly during the game as one of the only acknowledgements of the momentous day (other than the MANY people wearing >4 year old LBJ jerseys that mostly didn’t quite fit anymore):

LeBron Sign

This game was the first we have been to that the Indians won:

Tribe wins!

We beat the traffic by skipping the fireworks, but here’s a fireworks picture from the parking garage:


Posted in HoneyBear, It's weird to watch people play games for money, Other People's Birthdays, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment


I worked 4th of July and that weekend, so we didn’t go to Maumee fireworks on the 3rd. We did go to Mary’s mom’s on the 5th to see the kids for a few minutes and then we took Mary out for dinner. I gave the kids the most expired non-glowing glow bracelets ever, and later I got this picture:


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Meltdown!, Zoo with Rando and Lis, June Yard Stuff

Mid-June, I made a Cathy-style radioactive mess at work. For my readership with the same job as me, here’s a (decayed, obvs) vial that spent time in the hotbox:


So that sucked. SUCH A MESS!

Anyway, after I got off work that Friday morning, Rando and Lis came up to go to the Zoo. Since we were so excited about the Africa! train, we rode it again, but it seems that the animals spend the daytime avoiding the train. Oh well.

Brian’s dingo:



Baby Meerkats!

We did get to spend slightly more time looking at the penguins in their new home this trip, which was nice.


The ‘Keet Retreat was not open when we went to ZooPal night, because the ‘keets needed to rest after opening day, so I was excited to see ‘keets:


Then the rain broke the people’s spirit, and we left the Zoo.

Rando and Lis headed home because they were soaked, and Brian and I went to Cinco de Mayo. My margarita:


I got into my kitty wine from New York after we got home from the restaurant, then I slept and slept since I had been up forever.

Kitty Wine

Onward to yard pictures…

Same mushroom, 24 hours apart:

Mushroom Day 1 Mushroom Day 2

Here’s my elephant ear plant on the front porch (that may or may not have scared Nasim away):

Elephant Ear Plant Elephant Ear Leaf

I’m semi-successfully growing a weird climby rose that I planted in the dumbest possible place:


Ostrich ferns have 2 different kinds of fronds – sterile (regular) and fertile fronds. The standy-uppy things in the center of this fern are the FERTILE FRONDS! (brown=last year, green=this year):


Cool hosta flower:

Cool Hosta Flower

The growth and flowering of this hollyhock was a drawn out spring/summer spectacle:

Hollyhock buds Holllyhock finally opening Hollyhock flower Hollyhock Stalk Hollyhock Stalk Tall

When I was in SF, I noticed a cool flower at Alcatraz. It looked like this:

SF Flower

Interestingly, this flower (mallow, or Lavatera) is the closest I’ve found, and it’s been planted in flower bed for a couple years. The rabbits have customarily given it such a haircut that I hadn’t seen it flower before this year.


According to the Garden Conservancy, it’s actually a hollyhock like my pink stalk flower above. INTERESTING!

Nathan’s lily flowered again this year. Good present!


Bonus office chair cat with half grown out hair:

Kitten Pants

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Family Time, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Random Fun things, San Fran! | Leave a comment

BSB Concert with Kim

On June 13th, I left work and headed to Fishers (I’ll skip the work/scheduling drama that made me want to quit my job) to go to a Backstreet Boys concert with Kim.

Kim found a bar/restaurant that operated a shuttle to and from the Klipsch, so we went there and had some nachos and beer and paid our $4/person to ride the shuttle. I had promised Kim that we would see all sorts of ridiculousness in the way of homemade shirts and fanaticism, and we saw this girl (and her cool BSB homemade shirt) at the bar:

Quit Playing Games with my Heart

I was pretty sad that we missed most of VERY SPECIAL GUEST Avril Lavigne, but at least it was at our own choosing and not because I was totally hosed by my work. We saw her sing “Complicated” and “Girlfriend” (a personal fave), so that was probably enough. We were looking into the sun, so we couldn’t see the video on the big screen until the sun finally went behind the stage structure, so I couldn’t clearly make out her surely awesome outfit:

Very Special Guest Avril Lavigne

Backstreet Boys put on a (surprisingly?? not surprisingly…they’ve been together 21 years) good show. I was worried Kim would not like it, but she really seemed to enjoy it.


The Backstreet Boys are all very talented musicians…Nick Carter can play the guitar:

Nick Carter plays the guitar

The population at a BSB concert is really interesting. Mostly female of course, with some boyfriends and progressive thinkers thrown in, but a crazy range of ages and degrees of fandom and unlikable millenialness. The kids these days, they love to take videos of entire concerts. The girls directly in front of us were taking long videos OF THEMSELVES watching and singing along. Anyway, here’s a cute shirt of a younger fan (“My Barbies danced to this song”):


We had some girls with super boring homemade puffy-painted shirts behind us:

Puffy Paint

I like the hold up your cell phone camera-flash thing, now that we’re all past smoking:

Cell Phone Flashlights

BSB are old. They sit down after a while:

BSB Sits Down

Bad picture, but cool fringed homemade BSB concert shirt:

Homemade fringey shirt

We encountered many staggeringly drunk teens/twenty-somethings on our way to the shuttle. Drinks were $13 at the Klipsch. Young people are so silly.

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Keuka Lake 2014

Thursday, May 29th, Kim drove here from Fishers with Travis, and we stopped at a greenhouse for some plants, and headed out to Aunt Jean’s house on Lake Keuka. We were originally going to go without any of the boys, but Aunt Jean wanted one to come for entertainment purposes. Travis was a much cooler travel companion this year, even with the extra 3 hour drive for them.

Aunt Jean had just had her knee replaced 3-4 weeks before, but her recovery seemed to be going very well. She was certainly not back to 100%, and she was sleeping more than she usually does, but we went into Hammondsport once and to Bully Hill for lunch once and she got around OK. Kim and I can knock out the planting pretty quickly now, and we managed to do almost all of it while Travis and Aunt Jean took naps one afternoon.

I think I take the same pictures every year, but it’s so pretty there, it’s hard not to:

Yearly Lake Photo

The biggest disappointment was that the Finger Lakes region had recently flooded such that there was a boating ban on Lake Keuka until May 30th. They were draining some of the water off into Lake Seneca, but the water was still high and there was a lot of debris floating in the lake. Aunt Jean’s boat was dropped off on Saturday, but the conditions were not good for novice boaters – I couldn’t demand Kim take us out in the boat this year.

There is a super cute cottage next to Aunt Jean’s house that is only inhabited for about 6 weeks a year by a German couple:

Toward German People's House

Some other lake photos:

Storm coming in Mrs. Duck and ducklings From Bully Hill From Bully Hill Bear Sunset

It was a nice trip, but I was getting pretty tired of pitching for Travis and fishing the ball out of the lake.

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Zoo Pal Night and May Yard Stuff

OK, so so far, I’ve not powered through my blogging like I thought I would. I’ll try again. I was off all week but did much tasking and no blogging.

May 23rd was Toledo Zoo ZooPal night, which, interestingly, was also opening day for some new things at the Zoo. People were crazy with new exhibit fever, and it was reported all day that the AW Trail was backed up with people coming from far and wide to see penguins, flamingos, and ‘keets.

Luckily, since you have to give money beyond admission and/or membership, ZooPal night was much mellower (and less crowded, of course). Since Brian and I are rad and occasionally gift each other ZooPals, we were invited. We’d not actually attended ZooPal night before, but I’d give it two thumbs up, would attend again.

The Africa! train was half-price ($1.25!) for ZooPal night, so we enjoyed our first trip on the train together. I had been on the train before when it first opened years ago, when the train struggled to get up a hill on a wet morning – after several attempts, we had to exit the train and walk the last bit to get back to the train station and freedom. Luckily, they have worked out the kinks in the last 10 years.

That night, the views from the train were quite nice:


Since the penguins got some new digs, their old habitat was vacant. The ducks moved in, and the new flamingos moved into the ducks’ old home. Flamingos:

New Flamingos

We saw some elephant enrichment:


Brian in the reptile house:


Much-touted, but very crowded (and annoyingly policed), penguin exhibit:

Penguins in their new home

Around the middle of may, a very slender Nasim (or another batfriend) returned, and I was very pleased. He was around a little while but hasn’t been back. At least he survived the winter:


I have been trying to develop my eye for noticing cool nature things, so I was very excited when I spotted a luna moth when we were out on an evening walk:

Luna Moth

This year’s new flower bed (inspired by a gift of many many ferns from Bossman):

Back Bed

Here’s how other parts of the yard were looking in May:

Growin' Growin' Growin'

Columbine and Hostas Foxglove Back of the house Patio Side Bed

After we had the concrete sidewalk leveled and it became apparent that there’s not really anything I can do or pay to have done to level the stupid brick wall out front, I’ve been trying to figure out how to keep it from falling any further into the Earth. I rerouted the downspout to empty on the other side of the wall further from the house using slightly off-color downspout pieces from Menards, a hacksaw, and moxie:

Downspout project Downspout project
Posted in Craftiness, Domesticity!, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Nature!, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Oh goodness…

…it’s been FOREVER since I blogged last. Mostly PLANTS! has happened since I blogged last, but I’ll try to rally through posting the highlights.

Not long after I blogged last, my pal Kim finally moved into their fancy new house in Fishers, Indiana.

I had seen the house at least once while they were building it, but I didn’t have a feeling for how nice or how huge the finished product would seem.

Two pictures of suburban #winning:


So nice

I hitched a ride to Fishers with Kim’s parents plus Travis, who had spent a couple of weeks at his grandparents’ house to get everyone over the last hump of apartment living. Moving day was Saturday, and there was one Indy moving truck that brought stuff over from the apartment, and 2 Glass City moving trucks that brought tons of stuff that had been in storage. Nothing quite worked out the way it was supposed to so that the moving trucks would miss each other…it was chaos from about 11 until 4pm, and Kim has too many kids for chaos.

Kim’s mom and I took the younger boys to the neighborhood playground for a while to get them out of the craziness. It didn’t last long.


The little boys in the middle of everything:


Here’s a picture of Tony Ray Ray watering a new tree (a man after my own heart):

Watering new trees

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Friday was our 1-year Isotraciversary!

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MJ The Immortal World Tour

MJ Curtain

Wednesday, we met my Dad and Donna downtown at the Huntington Center for Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour at the Huntington Center. While we were walking to Huntington from the Seagate Centre parking lot we usually park in, we saw that Nathan, his sister, and Heidi were walking ahead of us. We should have known Nathan would be going, since we saw the MJ movie in the theater with him.

I had never seen any Cirque du Soleil shows before, so I was excited. I really liked it. The costumes and the dancing and sets were cool, though I thought there’d be more bendy people. I suspect that maybe you get more bendies in Las Vegas (or even on the 1st leg of a tour where they go to bigger cities). Also, some of the songs in the first half I had never heard before, and I don’t really think I care to hear again, which is weird given all the hits MJ had. Brian’s favorite MJ song, Billie Jean, was sort of shortened and bastardized, which was a bummer. Regardless, it’s still the closest I’ll ever come to an MJ concert experience.

The show started with the stolen childhood aspect of MJ, and they had a Neverland gate and dancers dolled up to be statues of kids, and I think we all can agree that this is at least straddling the line between OK and heebie-jeebietown. This carried forward into the show with a child puppet thing and a dude who did a really good job mimicking the movement of a chimpanzee showing up several times.

Posted in Family Time, HoneyBear, Parentals, Random Fun things | Leave a comment


The same weekend as the Lady Rocket program, we had nice enough weather that I could get outside and clean up old leaves and debris around the yard, and there were signs of life starting to poke through the mulch. Life seemed a little better.

Then, on April 15, this happened:

April 15, 2014


BUT THEN! I had that next weekend, Monday, and Tuesday off, and it was 60-70 all 4 days and sunny most of the time. Hooray! I spent the entire 4 days working on a significant project in the yard: digging up all the cheap black plastic edging on my plant beds in the back and front yards, expanding the back bed, straightening out the side bed, mulching, and placing edger stones around all the beds.

Of note, the stones are 13.5 lbs. each, and we had well over 200 of them (including the pallet of 144 I hauled home in the back of a rented Home Depot truck and the remaining however many we brought home via several trips in our cars).

Here are some pictures of the bed on the east side of the house:

Early Side Later Side

Doing that straight line of pavers was a whore. Same bed, from the back:

Side from the back

I spent a while yesterday pulling invasive garlic mustard from all around the base of that hydrangea under the window in that picture. That’s one of my favorite plants and does really well in that spot, plus it’s a transplant from Bossman’s yard. I’m pretty worried about that garlic mustard, which had super spready jerky roots, strangling that hydrangea out. Any garlic mustard leaves I see in there now are going to get roundupped, I don’t even care. I don’t even remember seeing garlic mustard anywhere last year, and now the wooded lot behind us has a ton (and may have recently been roundupped through the fence). Stupid invasive species.

Pictures of the edgers in the front yard:

Front Edgers from Sidewalk

Front Edgers from Smoking Man's

Now the backyard. First, the little area with the burning bush on the Dog Lady side:

New hose box and stuff

Here’s where I picked up some MORE ROOM for MORE PLANTS! and a birdbath:


Looking Good

I think it will look nice when all the plants fill in more.

Current tally for work hours in my own yard: 60+. Current tally for Master Gardener Volunteer Hours: 0. Oh well.

Growing Degree Days for Holland: 162. The star magnolias have bloomed, and the saucer magnolias, crabapples, and the serviceberries (I just realized the tree outside the door at work with the white flowers is a serviceberry!) are starting to bloom. I’m trying to grow some flowering plants from seed, and some of them are sprouting. So exciting. Spring is the best.

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Domesticity!, House and Yard, Master Gardener Volunteer, Nature!, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment