San Francisco, Day #2

I’ve been to the Pacific Ocean!!1! We drove by a windmill to get there, too…very exciting.

Pictures from the ocean:

Pacific! Ocean Stuff Rock

The Pacific Ocean at my feet:

Ocean at my feet

Cool kids:

Cool kids Josie

We drove down to Half Moon Bay so Josie could make friends for lunch. (Not being a dog person, I was constantly surprised how popular a dog can make you.)

We went to the SF Botanical Garden, which was very nice. There was a Garden of Fragrance that was cool, and lots of plants from all over the world.

Giant hens and chicks:


We went to Hayes Valley and walked around until it was time for dinner. Here’s some Burning Man art that made its way to Hayes Valley (Future’s Past by Kate Raudenbush):

Future's Past

We ate at (one of?) Juliette’s favorite restaurants, Absinthe. I had a delicious salad (I shake my fist angrily at filling lunch) and even more delicious chocolate pot de creme. Then we went home and continued watching the FX drama The Bridge…jury’s still out on that show, though we would have watched more episodes if more had been available On Demand.

Oh, one more thing from Sunday…slutty cats who sleep with visitors:


Posted in Cats and more cats, Delicious Meals and Food, Friends, Nature!, Random Fun things, San Fran! | Leave a comment

San Francisco, Day #1

So I invited myself to stay with Juliette in San Francisco for a week. Additionally, I demanded she take the week off and do touristy things with me. This was all done on 3 weeks’ notice. I am very rude. I had never met Juliette (in person, of course) before, so this was one of the weirder sounding things that I’ve ever done (Spoiler: it all works out).

I flew to San Francisco on Saturday, August 31st. Something notable: I had never been west of Chicago before this trip. There was a bit of turbulence after our initial ascent, so the pilot was delayed a while in doing his spiel about the flight time and weather. When he finally did talk, he said we had just passed Chicago…I celebrated my intrepid spirit by paying $14 for in-flight wifi (additionally, I could watch the gamecast of the UT-Florida game, which was not really worth doing). Anyway, in-flight wifi is the best…the future is now, etc.

I entertained myself IM/iMessaging people that I was on a plane, and I spent a lot of time monitoring the landscape of our great country. I was fascinated by the green circles in the plains (Sorry for the glass :

Green Circles Green Circle Valley

Here is an interesting article about interpretting what you see from a plane. Basically, there’s a well in the middle of each of the circles that feeds a big sprinkler, and “‘At a landscape level you’re seeing a map of the aquifer.’ In other words, this kind of irrigation only works over aquifers, so the larger patterns of circles show where groundwater is easily accessible in the midwest.” SO FASCINATING…especially the second picture, where the green circles look to be in a riverbed or valley.

Anyway, I was excited for mountains:


And, luckily I had read in the comments on that io9 article about the weird colored (salt mine!) pools that you see as you come into SFO…I only got one crappy picture of some, but I was glad I knew to look for them:


I was coming off working nights and freaking out about what to pack, so I didn’t get much/enough sleep prior to flying out, and then when I was on the plane, I thought, “Oh crap, now I have to meet and stay with a stranger!” Luckily, I had demanded that Juliette make me a sign so I would be able to find her (it did not survive the flight home in the best condition):

My sign

With our in-person meeting out of the way, we had a bonding trip to Target and then went home, where I managed to watch the last bit of the UT game and take a nap…sweet, sweet sleep.

Eventually we walked to the Magnolia Gastropub, where I had some delicious french toast with mystery fruit on it. (Please note that Toledo is also a big city that also has a restaurant with “Gastropub” in its name…but I still think having “gastro” in the name of a place doesn’t make me want to eat there.) We left from there and went to the pier where the sea lions are!

Port of San Francisco

Sea Lions Sea lion sitting pretty

We went on the Jeremiah O’Brian Liberty ship. Active in WWII, it is the only active Liberty ship in original configuration.

Jeremiah O'Brien





You get to go down into the gears:


We also went to the Musee Mecanique. It seemed crazy to me that the machines still work with so many people in and out of there (it’s free to get in, and most things are either 25 or 50 cents to play).

I took this picture and posted it to facebook with the caption “Not Ohio,” and LM (for those in the know) said, “Is this in Put In Bay?” She’s so silly.

Is this in PIB?

After some delivered Indian Food and a shower, I think that was about all I could take before collapsing in a heap of sleep.

Posted in Friends, I'm so patriotic., Nature!, San Fran! | 1 Comment

Zoo last Friday

Friday was my 12th day of work in a row, and I was really glad when Bossman let me leave at noon. We went to the Zoo, because it was the start of the Sandsational Sendoff for some secret number of the Australian animals. Even after going to the Zoo, reading the Zoo website, and having a tweet answered by the Zoo, I still don’t know what animals are leaving for sure…other than that it seems like the wallabies are for sure on their way out.

Here’s a young wallaby in a weird enclosure:


Here’s a dude wallaby. Dude wallabies have weird bathing suit areas, as we’ve already discussed, but this time the weird hangy ballsack was visible:

Broken Leg

Here are some pictures of an aquarium-themed sand sculpture from a few different views:




And an Australia-themed sand sculpture:



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Some outside things

I’ve accumulated several pictures of outdoors things during my blog hiatus.

Here is a picture of two beautiful, healthy-looking hydrangea plants along the back of my house. They didn’t flower this year, but that’s OK. The leaves are shiny and green enough that I don’t care too much. Maybe next year.

Big Green Hydrangeas

My ferns have loved the weather this summer. Here’s some fiddlehead action:

Baby Fern Leaf Action

While out for walks, we’ve noticed a couple of frightening hornet nests. There is a starter one near the front porch here, and I’m monitoring its possibly stalled development.


The cats proved to be very poor hunters of mice, but I’d like to think they’d show this chipmunk who’s boss if we let them:

Cats on the prowl

I took this with my phone. I think it is one of the better phone pictures I’ve ever taken:

Awesome Toad

I’m always trying to take pictures of hummingbirds:


This is obviously not outdoorsy, but here’s a bonus cool thing I got this summer:


Posted in Catch the Fever, Cats and more cats, Domesticity!, House and Yard, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment

Backstreet Boys (and DJ Pauly D!)

Also a couple of weeks ago, Keri and I went to the Backstreet Boys concert. It was originally supposed to be at the Zoo, but it was moved to the Huntington Center downtown to accomodate the Backstreet Boys’ stage/set. DJ Pauly D opened the show, and it was ridiculous to see him “spin” in Ohio. Here in the flyover states, there are very few people who do any fist pumping. At some point, Keri said, “I should have watched some youtube videos about fist pumping…what am I doing???” while I laughed and laughed.

Pauly D Closer up

After DJ Pauly D was done hyping the crowd up, we were kind of bored by Jesse McCartney. I recognized one or two of his songs, but mostly I just wished for that portion to be over.

Finally, it was time for Backstreet Boys! Hooray! A small sampling of what Beatlemania was like! CONSTANT SCREECHING!

BSB BSB BSB Clearest Picture

This isn’t that great a picture, but as you look at it, I want you to remember that the oldest of these dudes is 41. And he’s dancing around with a ridiculous hat on:

The oldest of these dudes is 41

At some point, they talked about how they’re not going to be able to dance like they do forever. They sloooooowed it way down and played some instruments. Also, for age reference, please consult Nick Carter’s tattoos:

They are getting old

So old

Here’s a picture of Kerbear and me:

Bear and me

I was a little skeptical about this concert…I was more of an N*Sync fan than a BSB fan. Backstreet Boys are good singers, and they really play to their fans of weirdly-distributed ages. Good on them for being around for 20 years and still making all us ladies scream (I myself was a little hoarse and very much deaf and happy on the way home).

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Farnsworth Metropark and the Interurban Bridge

When I was a wee tot, my Dad used to take me to wade across the river by the old Interurban Bridge and Roche de Boeuf in Waterville. We would keep our old tennis shoes to wear when we went to the river, and we’d almost always get Mr. Freeze on the way home. Fun times.

He has a print in his house of the bridge, because it reminds him of when we used to do that. He’s a sap.

Brian and I went to Farnsworth a few weeks ago so he could take some pictures of the bridge with his fancy camera. I took some with my normal-person camera that I liked, even though they were taken with gimmicky settings:

Weird Bright Picture

Cool Toy Camera Version

Does anyone know why all the signage says “Roche de Bout” now? What happened to the F?

Posted in Nature!, Parentals, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

Blog Hiatus

I’m not really in the mood to post lately, but I will leave you a couple of big things from my childhood that I’ve come across again lately:

1) Steamroller

2) Landshark

Oh, a telegram you say? Land Shark

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Pool Night

We had a crazy heat wave here this past week. Kim, her kids, and her Dad went with me to my Dad’s pool Wednesday night. We had pizza and it was delightful. Here are some cute pics of the kids.

Anthony is the youngest and one of the bravest. Super cute, even when he makes weird faces:

Tony Ray Ray Anthony Face

Travis was the most scaredy, but he did eventually let Kim take him in the water:

Kim and Travy

Jack was Jack.


My Dad’s GF and her granddaughter Mia came over eventually, and Mia had a fit when the boys started touching her Barbie’s accessories. They did all go swimming together though:

The little kids

I told Travis and Mia to smile, and Travis super conveniently squeezed in and posed:

So cute

I like this picture because of the Ken butt:

Cute with Ken's butt

It was a nice time. My dad would not stop trimming the spent flowers off of hostas (while we were by the pool) and trying to feed everyone melon and sweet corn in addition to their pizza (while we were inside eating). He’s so funny. He, Matthew, and Amanda worked a bunch last Saturday on cutting branches off this tree (and it’s twin on the other end of the house) so the trunk could be cut down, and apparently, he’s been shimmying up the tree by himself each evening to cut a few more feet worth of branches off (he got a lecture for that that I bet he won’t listen to):


Thursday was exterminator day. We (including the cats) had to be out of the house for 4 hours in the afternoon. PRIME SLEEPING TIME. Disaster. Anyway, after finding out that the drywalling guy was going to be working at my Dad’s, I decided we had better not take the cats there. They got a bonus trip to the vet, where BabyCat got some shots, Harvard got his kidney labs done, and Alley just hung out. Thursday was an expensive day.

I’m tired and feel like crap, but I can’t sleep, and I feel like I already slept a ton today. This night shift week has been a disaster for me…and now that we don’t have Cathy anymore, we don’t get the Friday after working the weekend (which I am currently doing) off anymore. LAMESAUCE. Oh well. At least I still have a job, as they’re counting on me saying.

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Family Time, Friends, Parentals, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

My new bathroom

Since Cathy was let go at work, I am the only woman amongst men. Here’s the door to the ladies’ room:


Posted in Lame. Work., Random Fun things | Leave a comment

Mouse in the House!

Last night, I couldn’t sleep after my Xtreme blogging session. I was laying on the couch reading reddit, and for some reason I got up and noticed that Harvard was staring intently at the oven:


I mostly think every possible problem is cockroach-related, so I waited timidly and thought extensively about whether I would scream and/or wake Brian up if I spied a cockroach. Nothing ever happened, and eventually Harvard retreated to avoid my constant monitoring. This afternoon, BabyCat took a turn watching the oven, so Brian took the lower drawer out and vaccuumed, and he even vaccuumed under the fridge and the dishwasher. He put the oven drawer back, and the cats were still watching.

Eventually, while laying on the floor with various flashlights, he saw a mouse!

Here’s BabyCat thinking she was going to reach the mouse who was chilling near the back wall:


After that, I fetched Harvard and told him he had been called up to the majors. He was not interested. I recruited Alley for the job, and both she and BabyCat seemed interested, but they let the cornered mouse run right in front of them:


Brian had a yardstick that I put peanut butter and slice cheese on to lure Mr. Mouse out. It was a family affair:


BabyCat had a turn at the mouse where she shook his hand and happily exchanged email addresses:



Eventually, after the cats had performed in the most disappointing manner possible, Brian became the best cat of all the cats and trapped the mouse under a tupperware container and then put the lid on it:

Mouse Relocation Services

We took the mouse to the park so that it could hang out with the many chipmunks we have relocated there.

When we got home, I noticed a beautiful butterfly hanging around my flowers. I took some pictures with my phone:



Then Brian came out and took a much better picture with his camera:

Brian took this one

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Domesticity!, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Nature!, Random Fun things | Leave a comment