Brian’s Birthday

Wednesday was Brian’s Birthday, so we went to Cleveland for some fun activities.

We went to Cleveland in the morning so we could go to a tour of Progressive Field at 11:30. It was probably the best $7.50 I’ve spent in a while.

We had to go to the Team Shop to buy tickets, and from the shop, we went into the stadium with our tour guide, Bud. Bud had a twenty-something helper who brought up the rear of the group (Presumably to make sure nobody wandered off or stole things).

We all rode in an elevator up a few floors and started out in the press box. We sat in the front row and had this awesome view of the field:

From the Pressbox

We were sitting at one end of the press box. Looking toward the other end:


Next door to the press box was the radio and TV booths:

Toward TV and Radio boxes

Looking toward the first base side of the stadium:

First Base Side

To the third base side of the stadium:

Third Base Side

Somewhere on the tour, up along the hallway where the fancy suites are, was this cool carpet:

Cleveland Carpet

Over a fancy restaurant for season ticket holders:

Banners over Restaurant

After we made it around to the outfield and saw the players’ parking lot from above (there were a couple of cars there already), we ended up in the visitors’ bullpen. This is the view of the field from the area where they do the warming up:

Visitors' Bullpen View

From the warning track:


Brian and I – Selfie on the field


Brian was really happy on the tour:

Birthday Boy

This is the script Indians behind home plate. I was really surprised that it was weirdly patchy grass. I thought it would either be normal grass with chalk/paint on it, or shaved out letters with no grass:

Behind Home Plate

The press box, where we started, from behind home plate:

Looking up at Pressbox from behind Home Plate

This is from behind home plate, looking back towards the visitors’ bullpen where we came onto the field (next to the Kia ad):

From home plate towards bullpen

Another picture from near home plate:

From Home Plate

Brian in the Indians’ dugout:

Birthday Boy in the Indians' Dugout

Couple photo in the dugout:

Selfie #2

One of the sort of crappy panoramic photos I took:


After the Indians’ dugout, we went back into the underbelly of the stadium and walked behind the batting cages and ended up where we started.

From there, we went to Harry Buffalo for delicious bison burgers. The waitress took forever to bring us the check…so our walk to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was mostly during a downpour. We finally saw some taxis when we were within half a block of the museum. Booo.

I only took a few pictures in the museum…it was very crowded (I guess everyone wanted out of the rain…or, maybe it’s always that crowded…) and hard to get where you needed to be to adequately read and look at everything. It’s not really a museum for the very young…maybe super pretentious teenage boys, but other than that, it’s an old person thing…and old people are OBLIVIOUS to people trying to get around them. So there’s that.

A car that belonged to Elvis:

Elvis Car

A ridiculous Little Richard outfit:

Little Richard Jumpsuit Little Richard Jumpsuit Text

There was some stuff that just didn’t interest me (but I know enough to say it definitely should have a place there), and I could definitely come up with people and groups that I would have liked to have seen more about. I suppose it all depends on your taste and what the artists and other people have been willing to give to the museum and the space available. I really liked some of the old contracts and hand-written lyrics and letters. Also, being feet from John Lennon’s Sgt. Pepper outfit or the mellotron that Paul played on Strawberry Fields Forever, like, BLEW MY MIND. At some point, more of the stuff of my lifetime will have to be added (side note: artists become eligible for induction 25 years after the release of their first album), so it will be interesting to see if they expand the museum or how they distribute space…there’s just so many artists and movements to consider.

The special exhibit right now is “Rolling Stones: 50 Years of Satisfaction,” which takes up the top 2 or 3 floors of the museum. I don’t really care about the Rolling Stones, but it was still pretty interesting. I felt a similar “WHOA!” seeing that Mick Jagger flag cape.

Also, all musical dudes are like 5’2″ tall.

Rolling Stones

I’m not sure what this rock and roll hot dog was from:

Rock and Roll Hot Dog

After we had seen most of the museum and were a few floors up in the glass pyramid building, the storm and torrential downpour really hit:


We sat in a theater showing a video of all the inductees for all the years the museum has existed (1986 through present). There were clips of songs and interviews and it was really fun to watch, minus the lady behind us who sang along to everything, even when she was reading the lyrics on the screen.

You like Moby, don’t you?:

Who doesn't love Moby

We went through the gift shop so I could get pencils (SCORE!) and looked up and saw this:


We headed back toward Progressive Field and stumbled upon this on the way:

Free Stamp

From Wikipedia:

The Free Stamp is an outdoor sculpture located in Willard Park. Created by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, it has been called the “world’s largest rubber stamp”.[1][2] The dimensions of the sculpture are 28 ft 10 in (8.79 m) by 26 ft (7.9 m) by 49 ft (15 m).[3] The sculpture depicts a rubber stamp with the word “FREE” in its stamping area.
The work was commissioned by Standard Oil of Ohio (Sohio) in 1985[1] for display at its soon-to-be-constructed headquarters building on Public Square, which became the BP Tower.[4] The piece was originally designed to stand upright, with the lettering of the stamp hidden from view on its “stamp pad”. According to one of the executives working with Oldenburg, the message on the stamp was intended as a reference to the Civil War-era Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument, located across the street.[5]
Sohio had previously been acquired by BP, and BP executive Robert Horton took over the management of Sohio before the sculpture was installed. He believed that the stamp was “inappropriate” for the location, and that Oldenburg actually intended to mock BP about Sohio’s loss of corporate freedom and the lack of freedom in office work.[6] The company gave the artists permission to move the sculpture to another part of the city, but they refused. As a result, the stamp was placed in storage in a facility in Whiting, Indiana.[1] Over the next several years, BP, the artists, and the city consulted to find a new site for the sculpture. Several sites were proposed, including the Cleveland Museum of Art. The artists, who wanted the sculpture to remain near Public Square, finally chose Willard Park.[7]
In 1991, BP donated the sculpture to the city of Cleveland.[4] The stamp was modified to sit on its side, and it was dedicated in its new location in November 1991.[7] Oldenburg reportedly said that it looked as if a giant hand had picked up the sculpture from its intended location at the BP Tower and angrily hurled it several blocks, where it ended up on its side.[5]

Here is the scoreboard from our seats when we got to the game:

Scoreboard at the game

View of the action:

View from our seats

Brian was sure the game was going to get rained on at some point. Early in the game, the sky looked a little threatening:


I went to the bathroom at some point and fished my camera out of my bag when I closed the door of the stall because I thought this was funny:

Toity Sign

Our seats were in the second row behind the Blue Jays’ dugout. We had a ton of Canadians around us…this guy was wearing a blue shirt, but it was a North Face shirt; he was just a drunk Indians’ fan. Here he is molesting poor Slider:

North Face Molesting Slider

The sky looked like this late in the game:

Well, the sky is concerning

Scary Sky

The Indians were winning and the game was moving along at a decent clip for a while, then, as in our fine birthday tradition, the Blue Jays came back and won. I was particularly bummed that Chris Perez (PURE RAGE!) didn’t get to pitch.

Of course, after our rainy day/Indians loss yesterday, we saw that the weather was perfect today, PURE RAGE pitched, and the Indians won. BOOOOOO.

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, HoneyBear, I collect pencils., It's weird to watch people play games for money, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Zoo Again


On Tuesday, my dear preceptor-turned-pal-turned-neighbor Kim told me they sold their house (to the neighbors behind them…a deal which has since sort of fallen through because whoever was supposed to buy the neighbors’ house backed out…but that doesn’t really matter. Her husband Jamie is already working in Indy, and this thing is a go…), and I cried because that’s what I do. I can’t remember if I talked about this here before (and I’m too lazy to look back to see), but this has been brewing for a couple of weeks, and I was hoping it would just blow over. I had been told this was their “forever house” (and also to buck the fuck up about the neighborhood association crap that cyclically makes me want to blow this popsicle stand – because I needed to stay here and be their neighbor…), so I am not taking this particularly well. We don’t hang out all the time, but we hang out enough that this is totally harshing my mellow. Non-lame (I would go so far as to say “good”) friends are hard to find in a suburb, especially if you’re this kind of weirdo. I think I’m obligated to act excited for them, but I’m so so so bummed.

I made Brian take me to the Zoo just to get out of the house (I’m on vacation this week again), even though it was “Hot as Balls” outside.

On the way, we saw this cool Michigan license plate:


Anyway, so it was hot and we were just there, so we just hit some of the highlights. The baby polar bears are getting really big, but I didn’t take any pictures due to the crowds. The Africa! animals were all out looking majestic, but Brian won’t ride the train to get closer to them. The dingoes were not in their exhibit, which was upsetting. The Amur tigers looked like they were dying in the heat, though one was swimming and looked a little livelier. No pictures there due to crowds and/or netting.

We managed to get to the elephant area during “Elephant Enrichment”:

Enrichment More Enrichment

(We also managed to miss seeing that elephant step down off that stump…boo…)

We always love the rhino:


The last time we were at the Zoo, the new camel exhibit was still empty. This time: CAMELS!


After I took that picture of them, we got closer, and the two camels who had been standing laid down and spooned. It was amazing:

Spooning Camels

Some of the snooty little meerkats could even be bothered to be out while we were there:

Meerkats Meerkats



I’m all about raising money for the Zoo and/or conservation efforts, but WTF. Every other statue in the Zoo is free to get near/climb on/photograph. Not cool, Zoo, not cool. I felt vindicated by ZERO people actually buying pictures while we were there…but also irritated that 2 or 3 Zoo employees are milling about in there in case somebody wants an expensive picture. SO STUPID.

On our way out, we went through the Wallaby Walkabout. The last time we were there, all of the wallabies looked terrified of people. They were all right against the fences looking for ways to get out and/or cowering. They seem to have adjusted well since then. They stay clear of the path for the most part, but they do hop across the path/exhibit and sometimes hang out in the middle.

Also, if you’re curious, this is what a wallaby penis looks like:

Wallaby Peen

I just looked up “wallaby penis” so that I could provide you with some sort of fun fact, and I have found one. The scrotum is in front of the penis in marsupials. We could not see balls.

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Friends, HoneyBear, Nature!, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Independence from the tyranny of yard rabbits

First, a pickling update:

1) The pickles I made were gross. Vinegar is important. When I get cucumbers in my weekly vegetables, I will try a different recipe and hopefully luck into some delicious pickles.
2) My dad stopped over and I gave him both jars of pickled beets. The recipe said they needed to pickle for 3 days, and it had only been one, but he tasted a beet anyway. His response was, “They’ll be good in a salad.” Under pressure, he admitted that they weren’t very good, but we hypothesized that the 3 days might help things. Otherwise, they might only be good in a salad.

Updates from the garden:

1) The Easter Lily that Nathan gave us several years ago is blooming!

Easter Lilly

2) EFFING RABBITS! I shake my fist angrily at you! ALSO, I spray disgusting storebought bunny repellent at what must be the most delicious of the plants. I hope the putrescent egg solids foil you!


Before After

3) The other day, I opened our fire pit for the first time since my brother and Dad put it in and built a fire! It was pretty cool:


Other than that, not much is happening around here. I had breakfast with Big Steph and her two girls yesterday morning, and that’s really about it.

Posted in Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, Friends, House and Yard, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

Pickledy Pickle

I should be in bed, but I’m having a hard time taking this week seriously because of the holiday. I’m sure I’ll be super tired tomorrow.

I am trying a pickle recipe that involves no vinegar – just water and salt and garlic and dill, sitting out on the counter for 3 days or until you’re happy with the degree of pickling. Tomorrow is day 3 (also they no longer look this fresh and safe to eat):

Pickled Pickles

Today we went to pick up the veggies at the farm, and this is the week that I get double the veggies because Kim and her family are at Great Aunt Jean’s. Here’s baby cat investigating the veggie surplus:

Kitten eating fennel

Let’s talk about beets for a minute. I couldn’t remember tasting beets, but I remember my mom was always eating pickled beets. I asked a couple of people what you do with beets. Between pickling them and roasting them, I decided to just go ahead and pickle them since my dad seemed pretty stoked on pickled beets in salads. I followed an internet recipe – I boiled them for ~30 minutes, peeled, chopped, put them in jars, and then filled the jars with a vinegar/beet water mixture. The smell of beets reminded me of my mom and really kind of made me ill…I will probably taste them when they’re done pickling (I think this recipe also said to taste them at 3 days) but I’m pretty sure I’m not into beets. Anyway, my dad’s about to get two jars semi-full of beets that might be grossly pickled:

Pickled Beets



Posted in Cats and more cats, Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, Nature!, Parentals | Leave a comment

Yard Stuff, Yawn

Various yard things have been happening that are probably only interesting to me. Skip this one if you’re sensitive to information about plants.

So the Asian/Chinese Dogwood (I can find sources saying either) bloomed. It has been blooming for several weeks, and the flowers are just starting to look ratty. It looks pretty good after the hacking it took last year to remove branches with bacterial wilt:


Artsy picture of flowers:

Dogwood up close

All my flowers and hostas are looking really good. Here’s the side bed looking toward the street from the back:

Side Yard from White Fence

The spirea in the front are in bloom…it’s particular hard to tell that 1) I hacked the shit out of these in the late fall, to where they were only MAYBE 6 inches tall, and 2) APHID INFESTATION!


The hydrangea I planted in front of the hosecart is blooming:

New Hydrangea

Yesterday, I went to Anderson’s to buy more foxglove, because I really like them and want to establish a little stand of them (recall that foxglove is usually a biennial, so you need to have quite a few to make sure it keeps proliferating), and I stopped to see Aunt Jeri on my way back. She wasn’t at her house, so I found her at Scott Michael’s house. She offered me free hostas from Scott Michael’s side yard:

Scott Michael Hostas
(Free hostas meant I had to extend the side bed even further toward the street and buy mulch and more dirt to finish it off…good thing it wasn’t as hot yesterday as it was earlier today.)

The flowers by the patio are crazy. The hostas are way too big, but I’m not doing anything to them until the fall when I can split them and it won’t matter what they look like. My climatis is blooming:

Climatis from Patio

Another view:

Artsy Climatis

The moonbeam coreopsis looks the best it ever has:

Artsy Coreopsis

The ferns are looking particular good…probably the same moisture that lead to all the fungus among us is doing good things for them:

Healthy Ferns

The grass even looks good. I think up until now it hasn’t been hot and dry enough to bake the areas that always get baked.

Other than the yard, not much is new. I tried to give blood this morning at some creepy methodist church like 4 minutes from here, and I was denied because my iron was too low. I went immediately to buy iron supplements and am already remembering that my stomach isn’t fond of iron supplements.

OH! I joined a CSA this year and have been up to my eyeballs in fancy and not-so-fancy greens and kohlrabi and turnips and other fun things. I was all idealistic about figuring out awesome recipes for all my oddball vegetables, but I’ve used almost all of it in salads. Everything is flavorful and delicious…it’s a lot for one person to eat in a week. Luckily my dad ate a decent sized salad the other day to help power through this week’s stuff. Monday is pick up day, but I don’t have tooooo much left.

Posted in Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, House and Yard, Nature!, Parentals, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

Fungus Among Us

For whatever reason, there has been a ton of fungus in the yard this year…lots of mushrooms and whatnot.

First, lets talk about this:

Devil's Dipstick

Since this one was so distinctive, I was able to internet-identify it: Mutinus elegans, commonly known as the elegant stinkhorn, the dog stinkhorn, the headless stinkhorn, or the devil’s dipstick, is a species of fungus in the Phallaceae family. Note that it is called a stinkhorn for a reason, and that reason is that the brown slime stinks. Also, there’s a slug crawling up the carrot part.

Here’s a big shroom:


(I spent a really decent amount of time trying to identify this one, and I failed…)

I did pose my Rocket Gnome with the mushroom:

Rocket Gnome with Mushroom

We have also had those weird amorphous fungus things in the mulch (in a variety of colors!) and tons of small mushrooms in the grass.

Posted in Nature! | 1 Comment

My Dad’s Lecretia jersey

I bought this frame and had the Lecretia pictures printed for my Dad for Father’s Day. He’s pretty excited about this:


Posted in Catch the Fever, Family Time, Father's Day, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment

BabyCat got her hairs cut

The weather and cats puking dictated that BabyCat get her yearly humorous haircut:

Haircut Cat

Another picture of her…she is so unfortunately shaped:

Haircut Cat on the Counter

As soon as I had it done, we had a stretch of cool weather here, so I felt bad. Here she is “sharing” my desk chair:

Cat in chair

Posted in Cats and more cats, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

So I did a little plumbing

I have always thought the builder’s grade basic faucets in my bathrooms were gross, but I didn’t want to bother with finding a plumber (or getting “Uncle” Dan to come all the way here) to have them replaced. Additionally, since I thought replacing the faucets would be a huge deal, I figured I’d wait until I could redo the whole bathroom (NOTE: This is not happening any time soon).

Original faucet (BEFORE!):

In the past year or so, I’ve learned a little bit of super-basic plumbing in figuring out how to fix a slow bathroom drain and when I super-clogged the kitchen drain being a bad garbage disposal user (twice). I watched some youtube videos and decided I could totally replace the faucets myself. I ordered one faucet, in brushed chrome, from I thought I’d just start with the one and see how it went before committing to doing both.

I took out the old faucet and then (after being grossed out and quite frustrated several times) finally got the old drain out. I ran into some problems that several confused trips to home improvement stores solved in the course of putting the new stuff in, but eventually, I got everything installed successfully. EXCEPT! Upon standing back to admire my beautiful new faucet, I noticed (and could not unsee) that the drain and the faucet were different colors (!):


The faucet was the brushed chrome that I ordered, but the drain was brushed nickel. The parts had come in one Kohler box with Kohler seals on it, and I was so focused on figuring out what the hell I was doing that I didn’t notice the mismatch before I installed both parts. As you can imagine, I could not deal with these things not matching. I contacted, and they told me that I needed to talk to Kohler. I contacted Kohler via their website (so that I could send a picture of the mismatch), and they sent out a new drain assembly to me right away, free of charge and without having to send the mismatched one back (I could not be more pleased with how this was handled).

In the mean time, I decided that I rather liked the way the brushed nickel drain looked, and I also decided that in no way did I want to take the drain that I had already installed out, so the second faucet that I ordered was brushed nickel. I took the brushed chrome faucet out of my bathroom, and I replaced it with the new brushed nickel one. Here’s a picture once the mismatch in my bathroom was resolved with the second new faucet:

Problem Resolved

The brushed chrome faucet and the chrome drain that Kohler sent me to match it went in the hall bathroom. That installation went soooo much better than the first since I knew what the hell I was doing (relatively). Admire:

Brushed Chrome!

A bonus to this is that I have an extra brushed nickel drain assembly that I can try to sell on the interwebs…assuming it’s possible someone would need just a drain, I could make upwards of $40!!

I’m super excited about having done this, even though it turns out that replacing faucets is pretty easy and definitely not the big deal I thought it was. I thought it was kind of fun.

(Also, one-handle faucets are the best faucets. That is all.)

Posted in Domesticity!, House and Yard, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

Zoo again

Even though we were just at the Zoo, we went again today to see the newly-opened AUSTRALIA! exhibit.

Before crossing the Trail to get to AUSTRALIA! excitement, we saw the baby polar bears being cute, and we also saw this cute guy:


One of the big AUSTRALIA! things is the Wallaby Walkabout, which is similar to the Kangaroo exhibit at the Columbus Zoo, except for the part where the Columbus thing is way better because it’s bigger and with kangaroos and the kangarooos don’t look miserable. Here’s a picture of the poor wallabies trying to escape the enclosure because everyone is loud and up in their business.

Wallaby Walkabout

We did like the dingoes:


I thought this giant saltwater crocodile they shipped in from AUSTRALIA! would be bigger:


Also, I got really worked up about how the Zoo should have special no children or no stroller days to accommodate the curmudgeonly and reasonable amongst us after some dumb bitch with a double-wide stroller told me to move so she could get by me with her stupid giant stroller while we were looking at the crocodile. STOP RUINING EVERYTHING, BREEDERS. Try not going to the Zoo with a huge inconvenient unwieldy contraption full of babies too small to care about or even see the animals if you’re having a hard time by yourself.

We still bothered to see some of the not-so-excitingly-new-or-newly-encaged animals, like the elephants (hope you enjoyed your year on the spotlight, animals of Tembo Trail. You’re old news now.):


We followed some AUSTRALIA! signs that said “Great Barrier Reef” into the Museum of Science, and the result was so non-exciting that I didn’t even take a picture of it (<3 you and miss you, aquarium!), but I did take a picture of the sign over the building entrance: Museum of Science

My Dad came over with cherry tomatoes for me and I ended up downloading him 2 CDs worth of Pointer Sisters’ music because he is one weird cat.

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