Terrible UT Sports Marketing

Just today, I got a call from a guy named Kyle who introduced himself as my personal ticket representative in the ticket office at UT. FINALLY! I have finally purchased enough tickets to make UT care about me slightly! The past few years we bought 50-60 tickets to the Rockets for the Cure pink game, and I think that’s what did it. My Dad always tells me I should get a new job fixing everything that the athletic department does that is stupid. I think I can probably parlay having a personal ticket representative into solving every problem ever.

Here is the first problem I want to solve: Bad marketing graphics. Please see the below samples of the terrible, terrible art that UT consistently puts out…so many rocket boners (look carefully), so much terrible shading, so many blocked faces or eyes, and so so many terrible facial expressions that make average to pretty girls look like trolls. WHYYYYYYYYYYY UT WHYYYYYYYYYY

Bonertown Watermelon Spitting Jay Ann Bad MBB art Boner Lauf Jada No Eye Razz Janice Bad Art Brenae Boner Sophie Boner Nathan Leprechaun
Posted in Catch the Fever, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Final Four Logo

I get NCAA emails because Brian and I have been to NCAA tournament games at UT and BG. Last spring, I noticed this request in an email: “Share your favorite moments in women’s basketball history or show us how basketball has been part of your own history by sending photos to be included in a limited edition commemorative poster.” I submitted several pictures, and the two that mean the most to me are in this collage several times. One is of my Xavier friend Amy and me painted blue when Xavier beat Tennessee in a Sweet Sixteen game in Birmingham, Alabama in 2001, and the other is of Brian and I after Toledo won the WNIT championship game in 2011.

2016 Logo Mosaic

Posted in Catch the Fever, HoneyBear, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment

Gobble Gobble

Since I have actually seen a turkey in person, the turkey’s #struggle is real. However, that, nor my desire to not make people who don’t need to work on holidays work on holidays, stopped us from ordering delicious Boston Market for a Thanksgiving feast.

Tuesday of Thanksgiving week, I made lots of pies (8!) for some of my favorite people:

Don't look at the oven

Here’s a finished one…possibly the one that hitched a ride to Indianapolis!


Here’s a picture I received on Blackout Wednesday of some characters drinking merrily:

Various characters

I had to work 0200-1400 on Friday, and then I worked the weekend and then nights this past week. Aside from my wacked sleep schedule, I think I am caught up! WOOOHOOOO!

Posted in Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, Family Time, Friends, Lame. Work., Parentals | Leave a comment

Various UT Games

We missed some of the football games this year…we missed one for Nathan’s wedding reception, we missed the rivalry game for Cavs vs. Spurs, and I got called in to work the second we sat down at another…but we DID go to UT vs. UMass. Here’s a photo of the band:

UT vs. UMass

The day before the super good Cavs game we went to, Brian went to his friend Mark’s house for a sort of bachelor party, and I went to Cleveland with Bossman, his wife, and one of Bossman’s weird superfan friends to watch the women play at Cleveland State. There are not a lot of CSU WBB fans. There are not a ton of CSU fans in general, as they have a chunk of the arena curtained off. Here is a panorama of the arena not too long before the start of the game:

CSU Panorama

While it is a nice arena, here’s the “suite” option:

Sweet Suite

Start of the game:

Get it Sophie

I like going to away games and sitting behind the team and listening to the coaching happen:

So coachy

Finally, the home opener! It got off to the slowest start in the WORLD:

The slowest start in the world

…but then it picked up and we won and fun was had. I missed this:

Missed this Inma!
Posted in Catch the Fever, Family Time, Friends, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment

Cavs Mania

With being a bad blogger does come the luxury of combining several events that would have been individual posts had I been blogging like I should have.

So, faithful readers will remember our household excitement regarding LeBron’s return. After some of the cousins’ mentioning that we should have a Cavs’ opening night celebration, the gears really started turning in my brain. Unfortunately, the cousins are turds and were all talk about actually attending such a party, and my little party had a max attendance of 4. Oh well, it was cool nonetheless:

Cavs Food

Cavs Food 2

Cavs Food 3

Post-party, this tweet-favoriting created quite the buzz:


We are each entered in the Cavs’ single game ticket lottery, and Brian won the opportunity to buy tickets for a November game. After a bunch of discussion and hubbub, B bought 4 tickets to the Cavs vs. Hawks game on November 15. A ticket became part of Brian’s Dad’s Christmas present, and Bossman bought the 4th ticket.

The scoreboard is gigantic:

Wild Thing Kermit

Cavs vs. Hawks



We were extremely lucky and our very decent ($$) seats were for, like, the most fun game ever. The Cavs made their first 11 three-point shots, etc., etc. Here is the score at half-time:

Halftime Score

There are two things that would have made the game better…More Mike Miller and any Matthew DellaveDoveBar. Here’s DellaveDoveBar in a suit, small-like:

Dellavedove bar

Cavs won, of course:

Cavs Win!

Four days later, we went to Cleveland for another game…this time with Nathan and his dad, using the season tickets that Nathan is part-owner of. Before the game, Nathan wanted to take his dad, who had never been to a casino before, gambling. Here’s a picture of gambling (and winning!):


We got to the Q and our seats were much less awesome (but have no fear: much cheaper, and who cares anyway when you get to go and also you get to see the Spurs play the new Cavs…even with a dead spot on the smaller scoreboard):

Dead Pixel

Bonus: it was Hulk Hogan night(!) and Hulk was there, brother!:


So was Cy Young winner Corey Kluber:


The University of Toledo has a deal with the Q, like they do with Comerica, for UT advertising…check out the high profile TOL:


Anyway, the Cavs lost, but it was a good game, and we got to see San Antonio…including the NBA’s first female assistant coach, Becky Hammon (woohooo!).

Almost 2 weeks later, we were given the opportunity to buy Nathan’s group’s season tickets, as the ticket owners all work at the same place and had to go to their holiday party (boooo). We picked up Brian’s friend Nick on the way into town, and Nick’s wife Gina met us at the Q.

Game #3

I don’t have any pictures from the rafters of Mike Miller playing, which is kind of a bummer. I do, however, have this MS Paint-labeled photo of the celebs in attendance, some of whom we’ve seen naked pictures of!:


Cavs Win!

Cavs Win!

Also Cavs-related, an awesome painting of Zydrunas IlguasKiss Cookies:


Posted in Friends, HoneyBear, It's weird to watch people play games for money | Leave a comment

Cat updates

Walter is a nutcase. He does not learn words or his name. You could beat him all day and he would just look at you. He does not care about your belongings or his safety.

Here are some pictures:

Cats not killing each other Walter hiding under the cupboard Hangin' Chillin' Sleeping cat Feather Toy Bursting from a bag Shower Curtain Wally All the cats not killing each other Cat in his sock

One day, I woke up and could feel something poking me in the leg. I found one of Wally’s baby teeth:

Baby teeth

Here’s a cute picture of Walter being confused by glass:

Confused by glass

Collectively, we’re not sure what to feel about about this picture:

Wally in the Window

There are several pictures of Wally watching TV, but we recently realized that he will iPad:


Wally is so mischievous that I don’t think we can put the real Christmas tree up this year (Wally ruined Christmas). Here’s the little sad test tree we bought (spoiler: he tried to eat it):

Sad baby tree

BabyCat observing the first snow of the season:

BabyCat Snow

Alley wants to know what you want:

Alley WHAT

BabyCat being cute:


Posted in Cats and more cats, Christmas!, HoneyBear | Leave a comment

I made this.


Brian took me to see Guardians of the Galaxy, and I immediately knew I was not going to particularly enjoy it. Actually, it made me depressed, because I felt like I *should* like it (similar to my feelings on The Fifth Element, and to some extent The Big Lebowski (not as much – bite me, stoners)).

The only good thing about GotG is Groot. The end.

Posted in HoneyBear, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Fall yard things

My big project for the fall was to extend the flower bed along the remaining (west) side of the house. I had already purchased all the edger stones, and I planned what plants would go where (and ordered the plants/bulbs online). It turned out to be a pretty big project.

Here are some pictures from along the way:

Sandy! Hydrangeas Starting to mulch

This is what it looked like with almost everything planted…I can’t wait to see how wrong I am about what will do well in that light and/or for nothing to even come up in the spring:

Finished product

During a monsoon, we had a sizable wet spot in the ceiling over the dining room table. The rubber gasket around a vent was dry-rotted. Here’s my little roofer saving the day:

My little roofer

A nagging problem with this house is that the ornamental brick half-wall in the front has continued to sink into the earth over time (don’t even get me started on how every downspout on this house is retardedly designed). Several years ago, a mason cut the wall free from the house, so that it didn’t crack any more bricks as it fell. The gap between the wall and the house had probably doubled at the top of the half-wall, so this spring when the concrete levelers came out, I had them attempt to drill through the footer of the wall to level it. They said their drill bits were not long enough to get through the footer, and one of the guys gave my dad a dull drill bit when my dad asked about fashioning a longer drill bit.

Fast forward to the fall, when my dad showed up and produced this:

Giant Drill Bit

After a bunch of BS calling concrete-leveling companies and trying to describe the situation and the drill bit, we ended up with a different concrete-leveler company coming out, and my dad trying to drill with his super long drill bit for them to shoot concrete through. His drill bit got stuck (it’s now cut off just below the soil line), but the concrete-levelers managed to drill through the footer with their (seemingly shorter) drill bits. The holly bush got a good raising out of all this, but so did the wall, which is now suitably close to level again! HOORAY!

Before pics:

Back of Wall Frontish of wall

After pics:

Fixed back of the wall Front of wall fixed
Posted in HoneyBear, House and Yard, Nature! | Leave a comment

Less Sad Cat Stuff

The lady cats really came to our aid in the weeks following Harvard’s death. Here’s Alley looking concerned because I was crying:


I ordered this cool Flounder on sale…but the cats are not particularly enthused:

Into the Flounder

Alley says no to the flounder

After two VERY dark weeks in the Beach-Link household and some flirting with the idea of getting a purebred cat, we went to Petsmart to a Planned Pethood event “just to see.” Brian immediately noticed “Durango,” and we ended up in the little cat-meeting room, where I shed some tears. We filled out some forms and met Durango’s foster mom, and then we were on our way home with a new family member. We took him to the yellow room with his own food, water, and litterbox. Here are some early pics of him:

Wallace Wally by bed Wally in catbed Catselfie Vidya games Sometimes lapcat

We named him Wally after Wally Szszcerbiak. He is a precious, precious asshole.

Wally on jeans

He loves danger:


He’s sort of lazy about standing while drinking:

Don't get up

Every so often he gets in the fish for a second or the M&M for a little bit longer:

In the feeish

The lady cats continue to be non-plussed with Walter. They are also not pleased that we repaid their post-Harvard kindness by bringing them a new brother.

Frequently asked question: What happened to his ear?
Frequently answered answer: He was feral, and they caught him and his littermates to spay/neuter them, and ear clipping is used to mark feral cats who have already been fixed. While the Humane Ohio people had him, they realized he was quite the charmer, so he was sent to Planned Pethood to find a home.

Posted in Cats and more cats, Family Time, HoneyBear | Leave a comment

A difficult time

Brian: Don’t read this one, you’ll be sad. Really.

After a long blog hiatus, I’m going to try and catch back up to the present this weekend, I think (no promises, yo).

What blog-paralyzed me was the death of our beloved companion animal, Harvard. Without going into much detail, I will say that my step-cat Harvey (aka Harvard/Harvs/Harmar/Harmartini/Shadow Cat/Grey Cat) died suddenly on Saturday, August 30th (Nathan and Heidi’s wedding day). I wrote/compiled most of what is below a couple weeks later, but I couldn’t quite get through it and publish it, but here it is:

Brian adopted Harvey when Harvey was a kitten in 2004, and I first met Harvard (and Brian) late in 2007 when they lived in the Old Apartment. Here’s Harvard with my shoes in the Old Apartment:

Harvey with my shoes

Since Harvard died, we’ve really been struggling. Before you take offense, I *KNOW* that everyone loves their companion animals. I would NEVER challenge another companion animal person to a love-off, at all, I PROMISE. But, consider this acknowledgement of how important our animal pals are, which I found on the internet a month or two ago and liked:

Introvert Heart

Brian and I are both introvert nerds who like our companion animals more than we like most people. We are homebodies who spend a lot of time with our cats. Not to mention that Brian works from home, so the cats are part of nearly 100% of his day. Faithful readers will remember that Harvey had been diagnosed with renal problems (though his death did not seem to be obviously related to that), so he had special low-protein canned food that Brian/we gave to Harvey several times a day and *2* water fountains to encourage frequent drinking. That’s a lot of daily routine based around the Grey Cat. Harvard was a cat who was basically a dog, and he was a lapdog at that. I know it’s been really difficult for Brian, as Harvard’s person…if I could feel worse so that Brian could feel better right now, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Brian and I have been through our pictures and videos, and sometimes I laugh about things Harvey did, and sometimes I sob like a baby. I have selected a few Harvard pictures for this post that struck me on looking through them for the 230,239th time lately.

Harvey’s face – representative of the standoffish skittish deer that he was. Also see: badass nose scar:

Harvey Face

Harvey under Brian’s bathroom sink chillin’:

Harvey under the sink

Harvey on his person’s desk, helping during the work day:

Harvey on Brian's Desk

These are the pictures that make me sob. When I talked to my Dad about what happened, he very clearly stayed away from us because he knew we’d be a mess (messes?), but he said, “Please tell Brian that I’m sorry about his pardner,” which is definitely what Harvey was:


This is not the best picture of Harvard, at all, but it’s one of my favorites…a selfie, of sorts, of Harvard in a cat garage (a Beach Family tradition):

Cat Garage

As faithful readers know, I’ve gotten increasingly into gardening over the last several years. All along, I could always count on the Grey Cat to be in the window while I was planting or watering or deadheading…This is my other favorite picture – again, not that good – but it shows some of Harvard’s and my special times:

My gardening buddy

Writing and re-reading this made me cry…maybe not the most appropriate blog post ever. All 3 of the faithful readers of this blog know that I’ve tried to acknowledge all of the big things that have happened in my life in this narrative blog…and this was a big thing.

Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, HoneyBear | Leave a comment