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Rocket Football

Brian and I missed the UT-New Hampshire game, so the big Missouri game was our first of the season. I was excited to see the new scoreboard in action.

Brian bought 4 tickets on the west side of the Glass Bowl for his dad, his uncles, and himself. The game started at noon, but the Links arrived in Holland a little after 9 am. We went up to campus to hangout at Bossman’s tailgate for a while. Beers and a limited menu were enjoyed by the older Links.

Bossman was the Meijer Tailgater of the game! This was probably one of the lamest of his tailgates I’ve ever been to, seeing that the pre-game daylight hours were limited, but I’m glad he finally won. (Seriously, he has had tailgates where he made everyone personal pizzas with BBQ chicken, Za’atar spice, baba ghanoush, etc. before). He had a big ol’ bloody mary in his hand in the video that aired on the scoreboard.

Anyway, we showed the Links the Jambulance, and then we went into the stadium. The field from the south end:

From South End

A praying mantis threatens Uncle Ron:

Ron with a Mantis

Once we showed the Links how crappy the East side of the stadium is, they all went back to get in their seats and I went to our crappy fan plan seats and waited for my Dad and Donna to arrive. I was sad to find that the same assholes with GIGANTIC, obnoxious OSU stadium chairs still have the seats in front of ours. BOO.

The team now enters from the center of the north end zone. TOLEDO! (Don’t mind our pole):


The crowd was pretty good, especially for how wet the morning seemed:


I always enjoy the band, as you know:


Band on the giant new scoreboard:

Band on Giant Scoreboard

The Rockets lost badly to Missouri, so here’s another picture of the band:

More Band

After the game, we went back to Tiffin and had pizza and watched part of the OSU game with Brian’s parents.

Posted in Catch the Fever, Delicious Meals and Food, Friends, HoneyBear, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever! | Leave a comment


One day when I was coming home from work in the morning, there was a car stopped in the road on Centennial, and initially I couldn’t figure out why. Then I looked to the right and saw what the driver had spied: TURKEYS! I’d never seen turkeys before, and when I opened the window to take a quick picture, the boy turkey gobbled at me. BEST!


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Trip to Indianapolis

Nearly a month ago now, Brian and I went to Indianapolis to visit Kim and her family. I got to leave work at noon that Friday, since I invoked the semi-ruined trip to Indy for the Backstreet Boys concert (recall that we ended up missing most of VERY SPECIAL GUEST Avril Lavigne), and we arrived in the late afternoon ready to be fed Fishers’ finest take ‘n’ bake pizza. After that, we went to Culvers for ice cream.

Brian sat next to Tony, who somehow immediately got ice cream all over his head (see behind his ear) but was unconcerned:

Ice Cream Head What?

After ice cream, we had a firepit fire, and I charmed the children the only way I know how: with several packages of dollar-bin glow bracelets. Jack ended up with many, many bracelets:

Jack Bracelets

We got up the next morning and went to the Indy Zoo, which was super expensive (though Kim and Jamie bought a fancy membership with guest passes, so we didn’t have to pay) because it is not supported by levies.

Here are some notable things from our trip to Indy Zoo:

1) We got to pet sharks. Here is a picture that has nothing to do with shark-petting, other than it was taken in the same building:

Jack and Trav Aquarium

2) Indy Zoo has a super cool dolphin theater with underwater viewing and a cool dolphin show. I haven’t seen anything like it since Sea World.

3) There’s a cool desert building with glass dividers they have to put tape X’s on whenever they get new birds. Also, we saw tortoises (trying to?) bone.

4) They have an amazing orangutan center where the orangutans have many choices about where to be and what to do, including climbing on towers and cables above zoogoers. The orangutans chose not to do any of that while we were there.

5) The “Plains” area was the last big area we went to, and it was probably the best part of the zoo. We saw some cool painted dogs:

Painted Dog

AND! An elephant penis!!!1! It was definitely arm-sized, but I didn’t take a picture right away, so it’s not huge in the picture I took:

Elephant Dong

6) We went into some bird enclosures right before we left the Zoo, and a lorakeet pooped on Travis’s Brutus jacket.

7) Indy Zoo admission includes entry into the Hilbert Conservatory and the White River Gardens, which were really cool. I would like to spend some childless time there.

After the Zoo, the timing didn’t really work out to go back to Kim and Jamie’s before the Fever game, so we stayed downtown. We parked and went to the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument, which was cool:

Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument

While we were sitting on the steps in front of it, Jamie got a fistbump for having black kids from a black dude who was trying to sell us postcards (?).

It was a weird night to be in downtown Indy, as there was the Fever game, a preseason Colts game, and GenCon. There were tons of dorks in weird nerd costumes all over the place. The kids did not know what to make of it.

Some signage from Bankers Life Fieldhouse:

Get Well PG Fever Sign

It turns out Kim’s kids LOVE the Fever.

Travy Watching the Game Game Catch

The game we went to was the last regular season home game, so it was also Coach Lin Dunn’s last home regular season game. She coached Coach Cullop at Purdue, and she is, in general, a women’s sport pioneer. When she was in college there were no women’s teams for her to play on, and she ended her career coaching professional women’s basketball. Crazy. There was some fanfare before the game, where they gave her a new laptop and 2 airline tickets to anywhere in the world, and there is now a Lin Dunn banner in the rafters of the fieldhouse:

Lin Dunn Lin Dunn Banner

A picture of Lin Dunn doing some coaching:

Lin Dunn Coaching

We took some selfies with various combos of kids:

Group with Jack

Group with Trav

If you’re wondering how attendance is for a WNBA game, here’s a panoramic picture:


Brian and I spent some time looking at various display cases on the concourse. I took this picture of everyone’s favorite non-David West Pacer, Reggie Miller:


We had a fun time in Indianapolis, and we enjoyed our first WNBA game. I met the grandma of Cha Sweeney (MAC freshman of the year who plays for EMU) in line for free t-shirts, which was pretty cool. Kim’s kids were riled up into a feverish Fever frenzy. I actually won tickets on Twitter for 2 different Fever playoff games, so Kim’s peeps really crammed some Fever action in right before their season ended.

Posted in Catch the Fever, Delicious Meals and Food, Friends, It's weird to watch people play games for money, Nature!, Random Fun things | Leave a comment

What the eff?

Our neighbors to the west got divorced, put their house up for sale, and took like $3 for it (which is assholery of the highest order, in terms of us ever getting any dollars for this house) in a very short time period. They were perfectly fine neighbors, which I will take over THE UNKNOWN any time. Now we have mystery weirdo neighbors who do mystery weirdo neighbor things, and all my sleuthing efforts have led me to believe that they lost their previous house and this house is deeded to the teenage daughter. Super-sketch.

At any rate, the outgoing teenage daughter left this weird Harry Potter message on the sidewalk in paint (maybe the paint for bingo?) that the incoming neighbors had a heck of a time removing (there was definitely some unsuccessful powerwashing before maybe sandblasting?):

What the what

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What did I do with 5 days off, I don’t know

I started a draft of this post (and uploaded the pictures) more than a month ago now, and I’m not really sure where I was going with it…but I’m trying to sort of catch up (again) and thought I’d give this the old college try, or something.

The butterfly bushes certainly lived up to their name this summer.  Here’s an Eastern tiger swallowtail:

Yellow Butterfly

Perhaps more excitingly, I finally saw a Clearwing Moth myself. Bennett claims to see these all the time, but I didn’t believe him and he never took any pictures of this abomination animal:


It’s like a bee x hummingbird x butterfly x crawdad:

Flying crawdad

Here’s another butterfly I spotted – I *think* it is a Black Swallowtail:

Dark Butterfly

Some random flower pictures…a dahlia:


Gerber daisy:

Gerber Daisy

Red geranium + vinca vine:


Pictures of the side flower bed:



I cut the giant holly hock stalk down after harvesting the seeds from it, and with it’s newly reclaimed energy without the stalk to support, the base of the plant send some leaves up:

Holly Hock

Early August near the patio:

Back Bed

Ever more Devil’s Dipstick:

Devil's Dipstick

Posted in Domesticity!, House and Yard | Leave a comment


I worked nights last week, and then I worked the weekend. Saturday morning, when I drove to work between 2 and 3am, I noticed there were way more cars on the road than usual. I stopped at Tim Horton’s for a delicious ice capp and was on my way. When I got to work and was chillin’ before I needed to start pharmacisting, I saw some tweets that the water was not safe to drink or touch. At that point, the news sites all said, “Do not drink, do not boil, do not touch” the water. WTF! I drink a ton of water and also rather enjoy washing myself and things, so I was like OMG, it’s 3am, and I can’t leave work and get water and also, WTF. Panic panic rabble rabble.

My tech last weekend, the Cabbage Patch, draws the doses and then goes up to Ann Arbor around 4:30am. So I told the Cabbage Patch, “Here’s some money, when you’re up into Michigan, buy me a case of water, and if you’re smart, you’ll buy yourself some, too.” Another driver comes in at 5 and goes to Findlay. When he got there, I stopped him from drinking the water/making coffee/etc., and he’s 200 years old, so he was all concerned about having taken his pills with water before he came in to work, showering, etc. He called me from Findlay and asked if Cabbage Patch was back and if he had been able to get me some water. He offered to get me a case, and I said sure…I don’t mind if I have two, certainly. So two minutes later, Cabbage Patch called and said he was at the Central Ave. Meijer and they have no water. DUH. DUH. I said, “That’s why I told you to go when you were up in Michigan…” And his answer was, “I was on the clock, I didn’t want to go looking for grocery stores.” My answer was, “Um, you’re still on the clock…?”

Then, once everyone was back at the pharmacy and we were all reading about the water situation, Bossman called from a Magical Voyage for Water that included such exotic locales as Bowling Green, Rising Sun, and Fostoria. He asked if I needed water, because after a few stops where stores were already sold out, he had found a lot of water at the Fostoria K-Mart. He was very concerned with getting bigger jugs, since the news still said not to touch the water. He also suggested that we should call Brian’s parents and have them buy several cases of water JUST IN CASE.

Not long after the Magical Voyage for Water had finally hit pay dirt (between 9 and 10AM), the Department of Public Utilities updated everything to say that the water was safe to wash with, but still, “Do not drink, do not boil.” The level of microcystins in the water was 2-3 times the drinking limit (1ppb) and much less than the skin contact limit (20ppb). When I got home from work, we watched a ton of local news, which, spoiler, was amazingly bad, and then Bossman delivered our water from Fostoria K-Mart. It *was* really nice to have some jugs of water to fill cat water sources with.

The news focused on when the results from samples sent to EPA/Ohio EPA/other labs would come back, and the time to expect results seemed to roll forward all weekend. They also did a lot of reporting about where you could get water, as well as giving contradictory information about whether secondary water tasks were ok (CAN I WASH MY CLOTHES?!? CAN I WASH MY DISHES?!?! CAN I WATER VEGETABLES??!). The drinking ban stayed in place until Monday morning. It was a crazy, crazy time, but I have to say that, at least from my (relatively) calm perspective (and as someone who is able and would rather pay $2.99 for a case of water than wait at the free distribution sites) that the response from the local/state government was great. If you needed water, several schools were distribution sites giving out cases/bottles/bags of water, aided by volunteers, National Guard, police, whoever. Fire stations and even just random people in places with OK water were letting people come fill jugs and other containers with water. This is a thing:

Sunday morning after work, I went to Kroger (which, side note, 10:30 Sunday AM is usually a dead time at Kroger, but that place was HOPPIN’), and they had replenished their water supply (as did most stores…they reallocated water from other parts of the state to Toledo stores really quickly), and I ended up buying yet another case of water because THERE IT WAS! IT WOULD BE STUPID NOT TO BUY SOME! Anyway, when I was going home, I went home down McCord, and at first I couldn’t figure out why traffic was so crazy, then I realized that Springfield was one of those distribution sites. Two lanes in either direction backed up as far as the eye can see to get a free case of water, soldiers and cops everywhere – I have never seen anything like it. (HELLO EVERYONE: KROGER HAS WATER, NO WAITING).

Anyway, we all got to go to normal work Monday morning and talk about our crazy weekend of water weirdness (and contemplate how much nicer Bear is than me, since he brought in bottled water, a coffee maker, jugs of water for making coffee, etc. for night shift, and all I did was bring water bottles with my initials on them). After that, the water ban was lifted, and we switched into, “I’m still going to drink bottled water for a while, just in case” mode (also, everyone has a shit ton of bottled water…)

So I can say I survived the (first?) #emptyglasscity. I learned a lot. First, the cats get very sad about all their favorite sources of water being shut down. They have bowls, but because we have a cat with bad kidneys, we have many other enticing sources of water to encourage him to drink…2 cat drinking fountains, plus I generally will turn the bathtub faucet on at a trickle whenever they ask (Also, Harvard likes to drink out of the toilet, so we had to remember to close the lids all weekend). They are spoiled. Here is a sad cat, which is what we had all weekend:


Secondly, did you SEE the pictures of the algae near the water intake? GROSS. It looked like a grody smoothie a hippie-dippie Californian would drink. It’s nice that Lake Erie can grow things (as opposed to just catching fire, or whatever), but let’s figure this shit out. Various causes given by the babbling newscasters included that big factory farms put manure on unthawed fields this spring and the runoff was crazy, increasing lake temperatures, other over-fertilization, PHOSPHORUS! Let’s have some nerds solve this and do what they say, ok, cool.

Third, I really want to know how water treatment works. How do they even get all the algae/green out, let alone mostly get all the other bad stuff out. Working in parts per billion is crazy.

Lastly, for now, WHAT WAS I DOING without a stash of bottled water?? Actually, that’s not true, we had part of a case of water, because we needed to take our own beverages to Brian’s relatives’ cookout a couple of weeks ago. Otherwise, we would have had none to start the aquapacolypse. I drink tap water pretty exclusively, as I try not to buy bottles to be a pal to the Earth, but I need to be a little bit more of a doomsday prepper for sure. You don’t realize where all you use water until every thing you do is a question mark. Cooking, washing dishes, washing produce (the stores all had to throw out any produce that might have been washed or misted with microcystin water), washing clothes, washing your hands, watering your flowers, watering your food crops, filling your bird bath, etc. There was some debate about whether flushing the lines was necessary. First they said, if you’ve been using your water at all all weekend, then you’re fine, then they decided to cover their asses and say you needed to flush the hot water heater and WHAT ABOUT THE ICE MAKERS!? What about the ice makers? They’re like dark magic – when was the water from? How much flushing can I possibly need to do? I don’t even know.

Also interestingly, we got this notice a few days before #emptyglasscity, and they say that one of the things they do to counter the algae is use more chlorine:


The water thing has really been the talk of the town all week, so I don’t have much to add, other than that I’m excited that I saw a monarch butterfly on my butterfly bush yesterday, not it’s batesian mimicry imposter the viceroy:


Posted in Baby Jesus Spites Me!, Cats and more cats, Delicious Meals and Food, Domesticity!, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Nature!, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment


My good friend Mary’s kids are almost 7, and they are, like, needy miniature adults that are fun to be around. We saw them briefly a few weeks ago. Mary mentioned that Drew, who probably could still tell you the score of the Lady Rockets game he went to over a year ago, had questions about baseball stats. I volunteered Brian to put his sports brain to good use, and a plan was hatched for us to all go to a Reds game.

I was off yesterday, so I further schemed so that we would drive to Mary’s house in Fairfield, send the babysitter away, and take the kids to the Cincinnati Zoo. We were supposed to be down there at 1PM, but I missed the exit, even though I lived at Mary’s house for a month once. ZOO DELAY! We got the kids’ booster seats in the car and headed for the Zoo. We told them on the way that they could pick where we had dinner. There was some whispering, and they told us they agreed on Frisch’s. Cheap dates.

We got to the Zoo, and I immediately let Olivia try to climb on a statue that was very hot in the sun. Then she tricked me and told me that Brian and Drew were already on the other side of the bridge after they took the stairs and we took the escalator. D’oh.

Cincinnati Zoo is our least favorite Ohio zoo…it’s really hard to know where you’ve been and where you need to go and how to get where you want to go. It’s not SO bad as non-meandering adults, but add 2 proto-second graders and shit gets real.

We saw the elephants (and learned about elephant teeth and poop) and moved on to the giraffes. There was a super cute fuzzy baby giraffe…he’s in the background of this picture:

Livi and Drew

We saw the flamingos, and this crazy flamingo was standing super close to us honking (or whatever you would call their noise) and looking from side to side:

Flamingo looking left Flamingo looking right

We snaked around to some more exhibits, rejected the kids’ request to split up, and stopped so the kids could have snacks (thanks, babysitter) near the cheetah run demonstration area. We watched everyone do what we did – walk all the way back there, look all around for cheetahs and wonder where the cheetahs are when they’re not doing their running shows. Here’s a bad picture I took of the kids by the cheetah statues:

Cheetah Statue

There’s a cool Bat-eared Fox exhibit that has a clear bubble/dome that kids can go to to look at the fox from inside the exhibit. The kids were in there being excited about the bubble and out again before they noticed the animal in the exhibit and had to go back in:

Bat-eared Fox bubble

Of all the cool things to see at Cincinnati Zoo, they wanted to go in the children’s zoo and see nasty old goats and/or play on the playground:

Goatally awesome

The Zoo employee that was manning the gates to go in and out of the goat area was saying, “Have a goatally awesome day!” which I super-enjoyed.

We suddenly realized we were dilly-dallying, and we needed to get moving so we could go to Frisch’s (!). I wanted to see the rhinos and the manatees. When we made our way to see those two things, the rhino was laying down, and the manatees were missing (hopefully recently rehabbed and released, I guess).

We found a Frisch’s, ordered them their disgusting cheeseburgers with tartar sauce (EW.) and moved along.

We made really good time getting in to downtown and easily beat Mary and Sean to the ball park. Once they arrived, our 5 whole hours of child-supervision ended and it was great.

A bald eagle from the Zoo flew from the outfield to home plate before the game, which was really cool.

Here are some pictures of the stadium from our seats:

Great American Ball Park Great American Ball Park

Here’s a panoramic picture:


I never went to a Reds game when I was in school in Cincinnati. If I recall correctly, I have been to the opening day (“bro-pening day” if you’re a Swisher/Tribe fan) parade twice (once senior year of high school with my gay HS boyfriend, his mom, and his BFF, and once during college, maybe?) Anyway, I can add the Great American Ball Park to the list of baseball stadiums I’ve been to (Progressive Field, Comerica, Shea Stadium, AT&T Park, and Great American Ball Park). The Reds kind of blow, and even Brian didn’t know much about the Reds or the Nationals. I am not sure how much learning Drew did. I tried to bribe him to ask Brian more questions by offering a quarter every time he stumped Brian, but I don’t think he cared much.

Besides the bald eagle, we were treated to music from the Cincinnati Pops. They played the Anthem, and then they played after the game, including during the post-game fireworks. It was excellent.

Here are some pictures I took during the fireworks while Drew slept on my arm:




We spent the night in Cincinnati, had tasty First Watch with Mary’s peeps this morning, and then headed home.

Posted in Family Time, Friends, HoneyBear, Nature!, Random Fun things, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment

Bonus butt-to-butt cat photo


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Week Off, Recent Yard Stuff

OH MY GOD, THIS BLOGGING MARATHON IS GROWING SO TIRESOME! I’m going to power through though, as it was a goal of my staycation.

Last Saturday, we went to Tiffin for a cookout at Brian’s Uncle Jim and Aunt Beth’s…soooo much LeBron giddiness and free agency talk.

I was excited for Sunday, as one of my ex-students and I had bought tickets to see Sarah McLachlan at the Zoo. She informed me Sunday morning that she couldn’t go, but that I could come get her ticket and give it to whomever I could get to go to with me on short notice. Luckily, Brian realized that I had indeed talked the LeBron talk for more than a week and said he’d go. Sarah McLachlan is amazing in concert (though it’s possible the show was better last year when she had a symphony behind her).

Sarah McLachlan at the Zoo

Monday, was “A Night with Naama” at the Jewish Temple. My Dad, Donna, and I went, and it was weird. We ended up with the associate head and an assistant coach at our table asking us about who our favorite lady rocket is. So weird. It was nice to hear that Naama is doing well in Israel and seems happy. Here’s a picture from Twitter:

Naama Time

Here’s a picture that made me laugh because Kim’s kids dance to that song:

Cha Cha

I mostly did tasks this week, some that I came up with that morning, some that I had on a list.

This was the first…I extended the bed that runs along the back of the house to turn the corner of the house and planted a “Pinky Winky” hydrangea:

Rounding the Corner

Looking from that corner toward the patio:

Back Bed Toward Patio

(The yellow flowers are new: “Denver Daisy” rudbeckia):

Denver Daisies More Denver Daisies

Also notable that day, I saw a clearwing moth in person! I tried to get a picture, but it was having none of that. All I can tell you is that it was an abomination.

Last year, we saw a couple of “Devil’s Dipsticks,” but this year, there’s an area on the east side of the house where there has been at least one every day for a couple weeks…evidence:


On Wednesday, I planted these cool coneflowers for the new flower bed area:

Sombrero Coneflowers

My plan right now is to extend the flower bed the rest of the way on the west side of the house sometime this fall. I moved edgers out of the garage and set them along that side of the house.

The Future

I also moved some edgers to the new back bed, so that Thursday, I could put the edgers in around that bed:

Edgers around back bed

I also put my new hammock together:

New Hammock

Friday, after some starts and stops and various errands, I got the garage cleaned up:

Clean Garage

Saturday, I cleaned my car out and washed it, and then Brian washed his car. TASKS!

Today, I blogged and blogged.

Here are some other accumulated yard photos:

The bed on the side looks nice and colorful:

Colorful Side Side bed

The patio bed:

Patio Bed

Artsy pics with Brian’s camera:

Marigold Veronica Coneflower Elephant Ear Flower Columbine

I read somewhere that clematis likes to have their feet in the shade, so the last thing I added today was a few garden phlox in front of the clematis:

Garden Phlox

And now I have to work tomorrow, sad pandy :(

Posted in Catch the Fever, Domesticity!, Family Time, Friends, HoneyBear, House and Yard, Lame. Work., Nature!, Parentals, Random Fun things, Rocket Fever!, Stupid stuff | Leave a comment